the boy

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his family calls him farkle. well, his sister and mom. his dad calls him minkus. i don't understand why. they share the same last name. he's the one i watch the most. farkle's schedule is always unpredictable. his bedroom is on the second floor directly across from mine and his windows are almost always open.

his room is almost empty except for a bed, desk and a drawer. on top of the drawers are three vintage looking cameras. there are beautiful. sometimes he goes up on the roof at sunset and takes pictures. i wish i could join him.


tonight it's leftover night. leftover pasta and bread. bland in everyone's eyes and mine as well. but at least i won't get sick.

riley and lucas joined us tonight as they do every friday night. they come over eat dinner and sleep over. it's the highlight of my week.

lucas and i were in the middle of laughing our asses off while riley looked unamused. lucas laughed so hard that milk came out of him nose. why was he drinking milk at dinner? who knows.

riley was about the point out everything wrong about our conversation when the doorbell rang. shawn and mom glanced at each other. there usually aren't any visitors around. only riley, lucas and mr. matthews, my tutor. mr. matthews is riley's dad and he's been my tutor since riley and i have been friends.

the doorbell rang again.

"do you want me to get it honey," shawn asked mom. he seemed worried. who would come at this hour?

"no, it's fine, i got it." mom stood up and made her way to the door.

instantly, i get up. riley, lucas and shawn follow close behind me and we all tiptoe so mom can't hear us. we're off down the hallway and to the air lock room. that's where the air filters surround a small room. its so that no potentially harmful bacterias could enter the house.

i place my ear on the cool wall and adjust to the loud sounds of the air filter. then, i hear it.

"my mom sent a bundt." the voice was deep and smooth and definitely apologetic. my brain was amused by the word. bundt. i try to think about what the possibilities of a bundt could be when it dawns on me who's speaking. farkle.

"the thing is that our mom makes awful bundt. between you and me they're awful. inedible in fact. maybe even indestructible."

"every time we move, she makes us bring a bundt to our neighbors. " it was a new voice. the sister. i learned that his sister was from the mother's first marriage. her name is isadora and she has pale olive skin with a dewy complexion. her silky black hair falls down to her waist and she seems quite short.

"oh well that's lovely. tell your mother thank you." i raise an eyebrow. no way would mom let that come into the house. it didn't have any proper inspections and from the description it seems like it wouldn't. i knew mom was trying to think of a way to tell them she couldn't accept the cake.

"i'm sorry but i can't accept this," she says.

the boy and girl seem shocked.

"so you want us to take it back?" farkle asked. he seemed interested. isadora mumbled something under her breath but i couldn't her it.

"i'm sorry but its complicated. i can't take this." and with that my mom was closing the door. but before the door could completely shut, farkle called out.

"is your daughter home? we were hoping she could show us around." i was shocked. no one really knew i existed. i mean i do have online friends and my tumblr music suggestions. but a real person in the flesh? they didn't know me and no one ever asked for me. but now my heart beat sped up and my pulse was racing.

"i'm sorry but she can't. welcome to the neighborhood." mom shut the door as quickly as she could and sighed. all of us ran back to our seats and began to eat.

"so who was at the door mrs. h," riley smiled.

"oh no one, " mom replied.

at that moment my heart sank. i knew how hard it was for my mom to have this lifestyle. before i was born she had a normal life. we traveled and had fun. now she has to take care of her bubble baby.

i kissed my mom's forehead and riley, lucas and i made our way upstairs to my room.

what a long night it was going to be.

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