le rejection

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back in my room, riley, lucas and i rush to the bay window. its a simple window space. a bench area with a couple of plain pillows to decorate. his dad is home from work looking angrier than ever. he pulls the bundt away from isadora and throws it at farkle. farkle's too fast and misses the bundt causing it to fall to the ground. the cake was somehow undamaged but the plate shattered, making the dad even more angry.

riley gasps in shock and lucas holds both of our hands for comfort and protection.

"why would a father do such a thing?" riley whispered. none of us understood why someone who is suppose to love us forever would try to harm their child. i imagined how maybe the father hurting farkle. my spine tingled with fear and i clutched lucas's hand tightly.

we heard yelling.

"clean this up right now, clean it up!" the dad yelled. his voice made me nervous and jittery. he slams the door into the house with his wife slowly following behind looking terrified for her life. isadora says something to farkle that makes his shoulders slump. he disappears and reappears with a dust pan and broom to clean the mess.

the brunette haired boy takes the bundt with him and jumps into his room.

the three of us slip away from the window and are speechless. what just happened? we were hiding in that spot spying for so long that my legs began to cramp. i was tired of hiding and just sat at the window seat.  there he was. his piercing blue eyes met mine for a second. he doesnt bother to smile or wave. he's just staring. his arm reaches out and closes the blind until then,
its closed.


"papaya, how long are you going to mop around?" lucas asked. he seemed worried and hated making people that way. it's already my fault that my mom cant live her normal life. i dont need anything more.

"until i've reached the part when my chest doesn't hurt and my lungs dont want to give up," i crack a smile. it's just the two of us in my study room right now. my study room is more like the music room. i dont know why we call it the study room. it has all of my prized possessions including the key board shawn got me. i write my songs, listen to some music and sing. this room is probably the only room in the entire house that's colorful. my band posters, ideas and multi colored sticky notes are plastered up on the walls. theres a small couch where lucas mostly lives.

riley has a date tonight so she couldnt make it. with the infamous zay babeineux, whom i've heard a dozen stories about. zay and i are internet friends. we facetime and he's probably the only one in the outside world that knows i exist. i was shocked at first when lucas told me zay and riley went on a date. i always thought that lucas and riley would end up together but he says he might like this girl.

it's isadora. when he told me, or when i forced it out of him from an intense game of thumb  war, i was so giddy. isadora and lucas. cute.

"seriously honey, what's wrong?"

i sigh. "i just want everything to be normal again. when i never had to worry aboutmy neighbors and when- when i didnt have these stupid feelings for this boy that i just met." 

feelings. such a complicated thing. so, why did this spring love fever catch on to me? how did it catch on to me?

maybe we cant predict the future, but we can predict some things. like i maya hart hunter am going to fall in love with farkle and its most certainly going to be a disaster.

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