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"Frances?" My mum said as she burst into my room, skimming around with a squint in her eyes.

"Yes?" I reply simply, trying not to give anything away that Luke was currently huddled under my bed.

"Oh," She pressed her lips together into a straight line, "I thought I heard someone talking,"

I heard a hushed chuckle from under the bed, but luckily my mum paid no attention to it since she didn't have the best of hearing anyway. I tried not to chuckle too, knowing that if my mum was to find Luke I would be locked in this room for the rest of my life - literally.

"I was just revising french and I guess it helps speaking out loud," I shrug casually as my mum's suspicious face begins to relax.

"Well, dinner will be ready in ten minutes so, be ready,"

As my mum turned on her heels to exit the room, a loud bang came from under my bed and my heart froze as my mum stopped in her tracks. She spun around and faced me once again, giving me a cautious look and I tried my hardest to keep my cool. I could feel myself get dizzy as my mum took a step closer towards the bed.

"What was that?" She spoke, following by a complete silence as she attempted to listen for the noise again and I prayed Luke would stay still.

"Nothing, probably outside," I say slowly, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

My mum turns around again and I notice Luke's head pop out from under the bed, taking in a deep breath for air and then going back under. I let out a chuckle, a little louder than I had intended which caused my mum to look carefully around the room. Without saying another word, she left and I could finally breathe again; so could Luke by the way he came gasping for air from under the bed.

"Urgh fuck," Luke inhaled as he staggered to his feet.

I watch him as he sits himself onto the bed and wonder what he thinks he is doing.

"Don't get comfortable, you gotta go," I half joke, even though he really does.

The next step is how to get him out without my parents seeing him and worrying about if they do catch him, the punishment I will have to pay because of it.

"Are you crazy?" Luke whispers, knowing my parents are downstairs and could walk in any moment, "How am I meant to get out?"

"I don't know!" I shout whisper back, throwing my hands into the air.

Luke runs his hands through his hair as he thinks, chewing on his lip ring as he looks around the room for ideas. I can't help but admire how hot he looks whilst doing this, but Luke looked pretty gorgeous most of the time - if not all. His hair had now dried and he looked adorable with his hair natural and not in his quiff.

I liked how his hair just all flopped in front of his face and was naturally wavy, it made me want to just run my hands through it since it looked adorably soft to touch. He looked somewhat innocent and I loved this look on him, although it was the bad guy style he has that interested me in the first place.

Luke stood up, his legs stretching out at a long length, and walked over to the window. He looked out of the window before turning back to me.

"So, do you think it would hurt to jump?" Luke asked me, followed by a chuckle. I wasn't sure if he was kidding.

"It will defintely leave some damage," I say, "So unless you're spiderman or something, I strongly advise you figure out a better plan,"

"My plan is stay in your room until your parents go to work tomorrow," Luke smirked, "But we have to share the bed,"

The Only Exception • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now