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"What pigs!" Jane shout whispered to me as the service went on once I had just concluded the story about what had happened with those guys about twenty minutes ago.

"Yeah, well it was kinda funny," I shrugged, scared by what Jane's reaction would be.

Although, seeing my mum get all flustered and annoyed over it was rather funny, even though it was pretty disrespectful for the guys to get drunk and sleep outside of a church. They must be pretty dumb not to realise that Sunday is church day, although I don't know how things work where they're from. I could tell by their voices that they were Australian for sure, I wondered what they would be doing here in LA without their parents though. They seemed like the type of guys who could easily live with the help of just each other though.

"Frances, guys like that are the reason the world is falling apart," Jane sighed to herself, "I strongly dislike guys like them, I mean, who do they think they are?"

"I guess-"

"Frances, quiet down," My mum hissed from the row in front. I quickly shut my mouth and slouched on the bench.

My mum turned around again, "If you're going to act so disrepectful, you can get out and think about your actions and return when you will give your full devotion to where your loyalties are,"

I thought about what my mum had said for a moment and to be honest if she was giving me the chance to escape from the boredom and go and be bored outside instead, alone, then I would much rather. I slowly rise from my seat and head for the doors, earning glares from the old ladies as I walk out of the door. Finally I feel the air hit my face and I finally have a moment to myself without my mum constantly on my back.

Of course I love my parents to pieces, but I really can't stand how much pressure they put on me sometimes to be that perfect daughter which they have an image of. Although I do not have a sister, I have many cousins and all of them seem to be going in the right direction and then there's me, who doesn't really know which way I want to go. I mean, I know the way I have to go, but sometimes I wonder if that's really the path I want to take or the path I am getting forced against my will to take.

I go and sit on the wall, where those boys were laying earlier and kick my feet back and fourth against the bricks as I watch a car drive past every few minutes. It wasn't exactly a busy road or town for that matter.

I noticed a tall figure walking down the street and I instantly tore my gaze away. I prayed he wouldn't talk to me, I was never very good at talking to boys - never mind the boys like him. Well, I guess I can't really judge him by that on incident, although by the attitude and the whole sleeping outside of a church when drunk thing, I'm guessing he's not the kind of guy to skip around a rainbow wearing a fairy dress and magic wand.

I looked up again, he was wearing all black, black tight jeans, making his legs skinnier than mine; a plain black t shirt and a black leather jacket. He wasn't wearing his hat anymore and he looked a lot cleaner than before, so I'm guessing he went had a shower. I mentally chuckled at him holding an icecream cone as he licked the vanilla cream off the top. He was rather attractive and rather out of my league completely.

As he neared me, he stopped and picked up a packet of cigarettes on the floor. I couldn't help but watch him in curiousity.

"I forgot them," He told me, knowing I was wondering why he would pick it up not knowing it the packet was empty or not.

"Oh," I couldn't think of much else to say. I'm so lame.

The blonde boy came closer, standing in front of me as I sat on the wall. Even sat on a pretty tall wall, the guy was still taller than me and I wondered how he was so tall and thin.

The Only Exception • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now