reputation (Diary #8)

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There's a lot of good things coming and I'm just really happy.

I can't tell it yet but this year has been off to a really good start. I feel that my prayers worked and for so long, I can finally say that all my hard work will pay off.

Regarding the title of my chapter, I named it reputation because, yes, I am in love with the newest Taylor Swift record even though I can still feel it's a bit of a Melodrama rehash since Melodrama talked about heartbreak, partying, and finding yourself in an immaculate way.

reputation does talk about these things but they have a different perspective and a different approach. This is the angriest Taylor has been, especially in one of the album's songs (I Did Something Bad). Taylor cursing in a song is a first for me because she never does this. I guess she really is losing fucks to give.

Speaking of reputation, I didn't know mine was existent and I've got big enemies already but I guess it just means I'm bigger because I've got no problems with them.

Nowadays, I tend to focus on myself. Not in a narcissistic manner but in more of a caring way wherein I strengthen my confidence in my abilities and admit my flaws and weaknesses so I can progress on those parts.

It's already 2018 and I cannot contain my euphoria regarding a lot of things!!!! It feels like I'm recharged after such a tiring 2017.

This GODDESS is ready to rumble. I'm here to prove to 2018 that I am ready for anything that will test me because I really love winning. Losing makes me feel pissed because I know I'm the best so that's why I won't lose. I won't lose, I'll fight using my heart, passion, guts, and determination (also using my fists and kicks) to give my best this year so I can start on something bigger than what I've imagined.

Regarding my romance, I am still hopeful my future husband will come but I am not preoccupied with that thought. I already know who he is and he's not in my country at the moment. I know that I can live without him and he can live without me, what we're both doing is the best for both our careers.

Hopefully, we can both build a nest so we can cuddle in each others arms all day and fuck whenever we're horny haha.

My life with him can wait, I'm still living mine and he's living his. Speaking about my life, it's a film and it's starting already, get your popcorns and soda as you buckle in your seat. My life will get a boost from here on out.



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