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Quick a/n guys,I was thinking of writing a be more chill huntsman fantasy au that includes rich x Jake Michael x Jeremy Brooke x Chloe Christine x Jenna and J squip x R squip

What do you think?

Ok let's start the chapter!

Heidi's pov
I though it be nice to take Evan and Jeremy to Disneyland,they could only bring one friend.today Paul and I were going to tell them,I saw Evan was calmly(and carefully)cutting the bonsai tree his Boyfriend Connor got him.Jeremy was Skyping his boyfriend Michael,"boys!could you come down here?your mom and I have something to say."Paul said.

I sat next to him as the boys came downstairs,"yeah mom?yeah dad?"they both said."boys we were thinking:wanna go to Disneyland?"Paul said,their faces lit up."YEAH!"they both said as they high fives each other.

Jeremy's pov
Evan and I high fives,WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!"also,you can bring your boyfriends!"mom said.our jaws dropped,"YAY!"Evan and I said.we hugged them,"thank you thank you thank you!"we both said.they laughed,"now go pack!"dad said.Evan and I scrambled up the stairs,we took out our suit cases.

I called Michael.

Evan's pov
I took out my suitcase,I packed all my clothes.then I called Connor,"hey Ev!"he said."Connor guess what?"I said,I was practically jumping around."What is it?"he asked,"IM GOING TO DISNEYLAND AND YOURS COMING WITH ME!"i said.i heard Jeremy yell that too,"really?!"Connor exclaimed,"yeah!"I said.

"I'm on my way over!"Connor said,"pack your things!"I said."I'll also pack a condom."Connor said,I blushed."C-Connor!"I said,"what?"he laughed over the phone.

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