The Lavery Twins - Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Spit it out already," I whispered, curious at what was going on through her head. Morgan giggled.

"I don't know, Holly, it seems crazy, but....I think maybe my brother....might" Morgan's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe what she just said.

I tried to stay serious, really, I tried to. I know what I saw, and I knew I should keep it to myself. Maybe I should defend Damian and tell Morgan he's not....but....of course, me being a stupid fan girl, I had to break out in an insanely huge grin.

"Um, really? You think so?" I asked, trying not to laugh. Morgan nodded, her face getting a little more serious.

"I don't know, it's probably just me," she shrugged, waving the topic off. "I mean, how could my brother be gay? That's just crazy!"

"I know," I exclaimed, rolling my eyes as if it was obvious he wasn't gay. "This is Damian we're talking about."

"Exactly," Morgan grimaced, and pretended to shiver. "Gosh, like what's wrong with me?"

"I know, what the hell's wrong with you, you weirdo," I muttered, raising an eyebrow. Morgan laughed.

"I really miss your complete utter sarcasm, Hollywood," Morgan commented, looking up at me. "You and Ally. I mean, you two haven't changed at all. I mean, obviously you look different, like Holly you're freaking sexy know what I mean, right?"

I nodded, smirking. "I think I do. And yes, I miss you too Morgan." I honestly did. I felt myself sigh as I thought about how after we leave the cabin, we're barely going to be able to see each other again.

"We should do this every summer," I suddenly suggested. "All of us, every summer, at the cabin."

A huge grin spread across Morgan's face, and her eyes lit up. "Yes! Every Summer."

"Shake on it," I extended my arm, and Morgan gladly shook it, confirming our plans. I don't want to never see them again, even Rachel and Brandon. Once every year, during the summer, we could do this all again.

"Now, let me beat your ass at this game," Morgan said, picking her cards up. I playfully rolled my eyes as we got back to our oh-so-exciting game of Go Fish.





I felt like I was locked in some kind of mental gay closet. Or Narnia, they could be the same thing. Damian and I were sneaking around, doing...whatever, and I felt so....guilty almost. When people were around, Damian completely changed into a whole other person. He was...well...Damian, I guess. A part of me was confused. Either Damian was just a really good actor or he suddenly became posessed when there were people around. Whatever. The both of us agreed that once we leave this place, there's not much we can do about our 'relationship'. It's true, too. Everybody lives at least two hours from here, and Rachel and I are stuck in this town. I'm fine with it, though. It's not like I wanted to settle down or anything. I'm not looking for a relationship, and I'm pretty sure neither is Damian.

Other than all of that, I couldn't help but be concerned about Shane. Me and him were sitting on the couch watching random cartoons, since we don't really have many channels up here. I'm pretty sure this show was in French....I couldn't tell if it was, or if they were just speaking gibberish.

"Shane..." I muttered, looking at him. He looked really down, and he had these dark circles under his eyes. I don't think any of us have been getting much sleep, probably 'cause of the heat.

Shane blinked, and looked at me. "Yeah?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You okay, man?" For a few days, Shane's been acting all pissy. I didn't really want to intrude, just incase it was something...I shouldn't know about, but now I was kind of worried. Shane and I have became good friends, and I kind of want to know what's up with him.

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