I grabbed my phone and called the others, who were still in school, but they all had an excuse to get out and rush to the hospital. I smiled at Jack, who was slowly twitching, and I held his hand again.

"You're going to be okay, Jack. I promise."


Jack's P.O.V

Darkness and pain was all I felt.

I tried to wake up, I struggled and thrashed out, but it was as if I was pinned by invisible nails to an invisible wall, unable to escape my dark prison.

But then I heard the voice of an angel.

""At the time I would have swam in an ocean full of sharks rather than play a lead with you," the voice chuckled.

Was that Elsa?

My snowflake?

B-But she wasn't here. She was in Eragna..

"But now I would rather swim in an ocean full of sharks just to play in a lead with you."

I felt myself smile, and this time I was filled with a new surging power, and I tried to push myself to the voice, to Elsa.

"Jack, can you hear me? Please do that again!" She yelled eagerly.

Using the last of my strength, I climbed my way out of the darkness until I felt like I was being ripped from the void and thrown into reality. I gasped for air and saw Elsa rapidly calling someone on her phone. She was spitting out is many words at once I could understand what she was saying.

"E-Elsa?" I managed to Whisper. My lips were cracked and my entire body suddenly felt heavy. She dropped her phone when she heard me and rushed to my side, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"J-Jack, y-you're awake!"

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered. "Y-You aren't mad at m-me?"

"I forgive you," she replied softly. "I forgave you a Long time ago."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, a sudden wave of emotion overwhelming me. "For everything."

She enveloped me in a small hug. "I understand, Jack. I know why you did what you did."

"H-How are you here?" I asked. "Aren't y-you supposed to be in a Eragna? Forever?"

"Hiro managed to separate us with the machine that joined us in the first place," Elsa replied with a smile, which I gladly returned. Our heads were now dangerously close, and slowly we were getting closer and closer...


I internally groaned, and I heard Elsa sigh in disappointment when we heard Merida's raucous voice as she stampeded I got he room, with the others trailing behind her. I noticed someone who looked awfully like Elsa standing behind Punzie, and I smiled, knowing exactly who it was. They all smiled and hugged me tightly, causing me to wince slightly.

"You scared the living daylight out of us, Frost!" Hiccup said.

"We didn't think you'd wake up!" Eugene laughed.

"H-How Long was I out?" I asked.

"2 months."

My eyes widened and I felt my vision blur slightly, the voices slowly drowning in my head.

2 months?

What happened?

Why was I unconscious for that Long?


Where's Pitch?

"Where's Pitch?" I asked again.

"Gone," Eragna and Elsa said simultaneously. They looked at each ogre and smiled.

"Elsa and Eragna kicked his toosh back to the underworld," Eugene said, slinging his shoulder around Punzie.

"T-The baby?" I asked. "Is she okay?"

"If she wasn't we wouldn't be here, Frost," Eragna smirked, folding her arms. "And Elsa would be upset that she wouldn't be able to see you."

Elsa blushed and smacked Eragna's arm playfully.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by a knock at the door, and a familiar doctor entered, his sandy blonde hair forming a birds nest on his head, and the dark circles under his eyes had indicated that he hadn't been sleeping. There was a slight bruising on his neck, as if he had been strangled, but he didn't seem too bothered by it.

"Mr.Frost," The doctor said. "I see you're awake."

I slowly nodded.

He almost sounded disappointed.

"Well," he continued, readjusting his glasses. "You can leave as soon as you want, we just have to check you again, for health reasons of course."

Once the others and the doctor left, it was just Elsa and I.

"Never leave me like that again," Elsa whispered, her hand cupping my face.

"I'll never leave again, Snowflake."


Hey guys!!
I'm sorry for the late update, I had a technical few issues with my account and also I had major writer's block, and have been redoing this chapter a lot because I want it to be perfect.

So yes! If you did enjoy this chapter, please don't forget to


And thanks for reading!


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