Friend or Foe?

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Brad's POV:

we awoke early and my things were already packed so I waited at the hotel for Jodie and Harry to get back from the house. Jodie had someone looking after the house for until we got back.

Harry really cared about her, but I guess, so do I. I feel jealousy rushing through me like a river but I know she's happy with him.

"But I kissed her" I said out loud. talking to myself, I do that sometimes. I did kiss her, then she kissed me too. does she feel the same wayang i do?

Harry and Jodie walked in giggling. I looked up at Jodie. She smiled at me. "time to go!" she said.

We went to the airport and got on our plane. Harry and Jodie were cuddling and I felt alone. I shook my jealous thoughts away and played flappy bird on my phone. before I knew it we had landed. after beating my high score 12 times, I couldn't even think about Jodie.

Damn it!

Smiled at myself as Jodie and Harry walked through the airport, with me trailing behind them.

We were rushed to a car and to the hotel. the same one that were in before. we went up the lift and there were 4 boys smiling at us.

"Hi guys welcome back!" one of them smiled. "how are you doing mate! I'm Louis." he put his hand out for me to shake, as did Liam, Niall and Zayn.

I had seen them on tv but it was pretty cool to see them in person.

We all went to a restaurant.after we ordered they started talking about things like what they'll be doing and things like that. but I just sort of stared at each of them. discreetly of course.

Soon 3 other girls walked in. One with a suitcase who stared angrily at Harry and Jodie. she was kinda hot. no sorry, let me re phrase that. TOTALLY SMOKING!

I bit my lip as I looked at her. she looked at me funny and then sat in the empty seat beside me.

Her suitcase came to a sudden stop and banged into her chair. she was in a mood. she was hot.

Her head turned to me.

"Who are you?" she pointed at me.

"That's Brad." Niall smiled putting his arm around his girlfriend Annabelle who just arrived with Louis girlfriend Eleanor.

"Nice to meet you... uh"

"Elise" she smiled a little. I wanted to sink into my chair. why was I nervous. I remembered what Elise did TI Harry and Jodie. trying to split them up. does it matter? Elise is hot.

"Where are you from?" Elise smiled at me as everyone started talking about something else. she chose to talk to me. I guess the others didn't really like her anymore.

"Uh originally, Australia. I moved here with my dad after I turned 7." I exclaimed not giving away too much of my past.

"That explains the accent." I liked that she picked up my accent, Jodie noticed in the hotel before we left for Cheshire.

"Yeah. so I uh, I've heard lots about you."

"Bad things?"

"Not real-" I had to be honest. "yeah mainly" I scratched the back of my neck

"Oh great! another person who won't like me."

"No no that's not- your pretty cool after talking to you."

She smiled as if she had never heard those words before.

"Thank you" she pushed her hair behind her ear. "So, relationship status?"

"Uhh..." I mumbled. "single"

Our meals arrived and Elise and I joined in the conversation

"maybe we should go somewhere a little more private." she winked at me. she stood up and grabbed my hand. "brad and I are going. We'll meet you guys back at the hotel at 4:00."

Jodie looked at me a little worried, but I nodded reassuring her.

Elise rushed us out of the room and down the street.

"Where to?" I smiled.

She shrugged and we kept walking. we found a quiet cafe. we ordered a coffee and sat down.

Jodie's POV:

I was surprised when Elise and Brad returned at 3:45. I expected them to be late, not early. Harry and I were relaxing in our room watching a movie.

I could always feel Elise's eyes glaring into me. like I had stolen something from her. she was getting annoying, I'm glad she's going back.

Harry rolled his eyes when Elise walked in.

"Bye I'm going!" she smiled. she hugged Harry who didn't budge when she touched him, and she barely whisked past me before she was out the door. she kissed Brad on the cheek before she waved back at him. I stared at Brad confused. The door slammed shut and brad sat on the end of the bed as Harry paused the movie.

"Why is she so happy?" Harry put his arm around me.

"We had fun I guess." Brad smiled.

"What did you do?" I laughed.

"We walked around the shops. we didn't but anything, but it was fun." Brad said.

"Don't get I evolved with her" Harry pointed at him. "she's bad news."

"She's actually not that bad." brad giggled. "she's really nice."

"I told you what happened didn't I?" I said concerned.

"Yes and we aren't dating of anything, we just had a nice afternoon together." Brad looked out of the window.

I'm not liking the thought if Brad with Elise.


Xx Emily

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