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Authors note:

OMG I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated sooner! I'm on holidays and the wifi at my hotel is broken! Also I'm writing a new fanfic about Niall called A Wedding Tale and it will be coming soon. read on

Jodie's POV:

For some wired reason, I had woken up at 2:30am. I definitely do not want this to become a routine. Barbra wasn't feeling well after last nights dinner, so I just drove to the bakery myself.

It was 3:10 by the time I got there and when I locked my car I heard something being put in the oven. hmmm Barbra's always the earliest.

"Hello is someone there?" I giggled

I walked in not hearing a response then looked in the oven. there was bread! where did it come from?

"Boo" I felt some strong manly hands around my waist.

"Harry you scared me!" I whispered

"That's just what I was going for!" he giggled.

I kissed his cheek then stood up "why are you here so early."

"I couldn't sleep." he said "I was thinking about you." he whispered.

"Only good things I hope."

"That depends what are good things?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Were you thinking dirty things?"

"Maybe" he rocked back and forth

"Ok then!" I smiled and didn't answer.

"Hey Jodie?" he asked

"Yes Harold?"

"Umm are you doing anything tonight?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hmm let me think?" I said tapping my chin. "Well I'm going on a date!"

"Oh" Harry frowned. he looked like he was going to burst into tears "with who?"

"With you silly!" I played.

"Oh thank god!" he sighed "I got a little worried!"

"Why would Harry Styles be worried if I Jodie Foster were going on a date" I questioned.

"Well umm" he said "I just wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Well thanks for your concern!" I bowed.

We got back to working and laughing and it was soon the time when customers arrived.

Harry's POV:

Another date! I'm really excited.

"I'll be back in a minute!" Jodie kissed my cheek "I'm going to check on Barbra."

"Ok see ya later!" I chuckled.

As she left, the bell rang and a girl entered the bakery and dropped her handbag. she had dead straight brown hair and brown eyes. she was pretty But not Jodie pretty :)

"You! it's you! your Harry Styles" she yelled.

"Last time I checked yeah!" I chuckled.

"It's really you! why didn't Jodie tell me you were here!" she pointed to me.

"Wait you know Jodie?" I asked her.

"Um were best friends. how couldn't she tell me!"

"Ok good I have some questions!" I pulled out my note pad. "what are her favourite kinds of flowers"

"Tulips." she snapped as I scribbled it down "but first, my name is Layla" she held out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Harry but I think you know that."

"Yeah" she giggled as I shook her hand "and secondly, why do you need to know this?"

"Well um," I rubbed the back of my neck.

She gasped "you like her!" she whispered as she walked behind the counter. "you like jodie" she continued.

"Umm" I murmured.

Her face turned into a wide smile. "you like Jodie you like Jodie!" she sung and poked into my chest as I smiled back.

"I-I d-do!" I gasped "I like Jodie" I smiled.

Layla's POV:

We both jumped up and down with excitement.

"Ok I am going to help you plan this!" We stopped and I looked him dead straight in the eyes "come to my house at 10:00am" I got the pad from his hands and scribbled in my address "and I'll help you!" I smiled.

I liked Harry a lot but he wasn't my favourite. I loved Liam. I mean, who wouldn't? the hair the dreamy eyes. he was gorgeous maybe Harry could set me up?

"Ok I'll be there thank you so much!" Harry whispered

"Your welcome! oh and don't tell Jodie I was here it will be a surprise!"

"Our little secret!" he put a finger to his lips as I walked out.

It was about 9:00 so I got ready for Harry's arrival. which included taking down any merchandise and other 1D things Yada Yada. but I left up my Liam poster to drop some hints.

"Harry Styles is coming to my house!" I whispered to myself fangirling.

Harry's POV:

"Jodie I have to go I'm sorry" I whispered in her ear

"Ok" she giggled "where?"

What do I say?

"Umm I-I'm going to my house!" I stuttered "m-my mum wants me home for lunch uh yeah" I smiled

"Ok hurry back!" she smiled and kissed my cheek. few! cover not blown!


I reached Layla's house and rung the doorbell "uh hi?" I said

"Come in come in!" she greeted as I followed her in to her room.

I was quite surprised! there were no 1d posters in her room. after her reaction to seeing me I thought it would be almost like a shrine. but the only thing i saw was a poster of Liam on the back of her door. LIFE SIZE. it was kinda creepy him being a mate and all but I guess that's what fans do.

"Would you like a drink or something to eat?" she asked politely

"I'm good thanks!" I replied rubbing my belly.

"Ok let's get started!" She clapped.

We just talked and talked for about 3 hours booking and discussing perfect activities.

But I told Jodie I would hurry back!

"Oh god I'm sorry love I have to go! I'll se you later thanks so much for your help!" I yelled as I put my jacket on and rushed out of the door brushing past the poster.

You know I could see her with Liam. they'd look good together and she's really nice just like him.

"Remember bookings at 7:30 sharp" I heard her smile as I ran to my car.

I raced to the bakery to find Jodie.

"How was lunch dear? long a suppose?" she giggled.

"Sorry Jodie I lost track of time." I half-lied.

"It's ok I get it"

"You do?"

"Yeah you only get 2 months and you need family time."she chuckled

"Thanks for understanding!" I sighed. "oh and I want you ready outside your door at 7:00 sharp tonight!"

"What for?" she giggled

"It's a surprise!" I whispered.

Authors Note:

I'm sorry this chapter is really bad and short but I can't sleep, it just turned 12:00 (happy new year guys) and I'm really bored so I'm so so sorry but i love you for reading! new chapter coming soon. give me some ideas for things you want to happen throughout the fanfic with your first name and who knows? You might find your name in the fanfic? stay cool!
~ Emily

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