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Jodie's POV:

I am in a car, blindfolded, listening to my favourite Ed Sheeran song, kiss me. I like Ed Sheeran, he sings the words that I want to hear. What is going on? The radio was turned to mute and the only sound was the humming of the engine.

"Here we are" Harry exclaimed as he turned the key and opened the door for me. he took off my blind fold and I was standing in a feild of beautiful yellow tulips.

"Oh my!" I gasped "H-Harry how did you know?" I twirled around in circles and stopped to see him smiling. he really had a great smile.

"I thought you'd like it." he came up and hugged me "I like them too" I sat down surrounded by the tulips.

I quietly marvelled at the beauty of the flowers and Harry sat down beside me. he picked a flower and put it in my hair. I even wore a yellow top with a flower lace pattern from Top Shop and denim jeans! So the tulip matched it perfectly.

"Thanks Haz!" I giggled.

"Haz? where did that come from" he laughed

"I don't know?" I replied "I like it though!"

"Ok then, Jode" he giggled I loved his giggle. "I like Jode it's not much different but it's cute"

"Ok then I like it" I replied.

"You look so beautiful Jode!" he pushed a stray of hair from my face. I giggled at his charm.

Harry stood up and pulled his phone from his pocket and started taking pictures of me. at first I pretended I didn't notice and just played with the flowers.

"What are you doing Haz?" I finally laughed.

"I'm taking pictures. he continued snapping me "I want to remember this." I smiled sweetly straight at the lens and giggled.

After a few more pictures we left the field and Harry put my blindfold back on.

We drove again but it felt farther this time. Great another surprise.


"We're here!" Harry clapped.

I hopped out of the car and my blindfold was once again removed.

"Italian! my favourite!" I exclaimed. "how do you know all of this?"

"Uh I guessed?" he sounded nervous.

"Well you guessed correct" I giggled.

We walked inside to see a beautiful table already set. there was, a yellow tulip set I'm a vase in the middle of the table. something was definitely up!

I examined the menu carefully. "I think I'll have the Carbonara."

"I'm going to have the Pesto." he looked me dead in the eyes. We moved in closer to each other.

A waitress walked towards us and almost fell over when she looked at the black curls laughing across from me. she stumbled over to our table.

"H-hi I'm F-Fiona and I'll be y-your waitress tonight" she stuttered "can I start you off for drinks?" she calmed herself

"Actually I think we're ready to order." Harry exclaimed. Fiona almost fainted when he spoke. "I'll have a Coke and the Pesto please" he said politely. Fiona scribbled it down on her note pad.

"And I'll have a Diet Coke and the Carbonara thanks." I said

"Of course" she scoffed in my direction. "Your drinks will be right out"

She walked away quietly. Harry and I watched her go into the kitchen and press her hands up against her cheeks. I sighed into my chair.

"Don't be jealous." Harry whispered to me. "I would choose you over her any day, Jode"

"Thanks Haz" I giggled

You could say we giggled the night away! just talking and laughing. the food was delicious! I was definitely coming back here.

"H-Harry" Fiona stumbled over towards us just as Harry had paid the bill. again I offered him some money but he wouldn't take it.

"Yes Darling?" Harry looked at her confused.

"Could I get your autograph?" she held out a napkin and a pen.

"Uh sure" he looked at me and then signed his autograph.

"Would you mind taking a picture?" she smiled at me.

"O-of course" she handed me her phone. her lock screen was a picture of Niall. I slid up the camera icon and took about 5 pictures if her and Harry so that she had at least 1 good one. Harry's smile was beautiful but it wasn't the same smile that he has when he is with me.

"Thank you!" she said to both Harry and I as we nodded. she walked away with excitement.

"I'm sorry babe" Harry said.

"It's fine Haz. I'll get used to it." I whispered.

"Thanks for understanding." he smiled as we hopped back into the car and the blindfold was once again placed over my eyes.

"How many more car rides and I going to have to ware this?" I asked

"This is the last one I promise!" he kissed my cheek. I felt his soft lips press up against my face. it was comforting.

The purr of the engine started the car and Harry rubbed my shoulder. we sat in silence when a Taylor Swift song came on and Harry quickly changed the station. I can't even imagine his face right now. I know all about the Haylor rumours.

Suddenly the tired screeched.

"JODIE" Harry screamed. I felt his arm reach over the front if my body and I turned my face to the side facing his.


A/N: ooooo cliff hanger! I'm really bored tonight so I'm probably going to post another chapter with this one so that's why it's a little short. Leave a comment on how you think this is going and anything you want to happen! i love you and thanks for reading! ~ Emily

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