Happy with Harry

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Jodie's POV:

"Justin? what are you doing here?" I gasped.

"Oh my god! Jodie what happened!" Justin ran towards me to inspect my face.

"None of you're business! why are you here?" I his his hand.

"I-I want you back Jodie" Justin put his hands in his pockets.

"You know my answer Justin! no! I'm. Perfectly happy with Harry."

"No you're not! you're meant to be with me Jodie!" He cried.

"No Justin! Leave me alone! get out of my life!" I screamed.

Harry's POV:

I decided to surprise Jodie. I bought her a muffin from the hospital cafeteria and walked around towards her room. I saw Jodie outside of the girls bathroom, but she was talking to a guy. I stopped and peeked around the corner. I could just hear what they were saying.

"No Justin! Leave me alone! get out of my life!" she screamed.

Justin? that name is familiar. it's her ex.

"Please baby. I'm sorry." Justin put his hand on her shoulder.

"No Justin! I-" she continued to talk but was interrupted when his lips smashed against hers. I was angry at this other guy. so angry that I dropped the muffin on the floor and pulled him off of Jodie. She looked shocked but i wasn't mad at her, I was mad at him. I watched it happen, she didn't do anything wrong

"Don't touch her mate!" I pinned him up agains the wall.

"Ohh Harry Styles! come to save the day huh?" Justin said sarcastically. "please Harold tell me, what makes me beautiful?"

I was so mad that I wanted to punch him. but not in front if Jodie, not after this afternoon. I let go of him.

"Don't touch Jodie again ok?" I pointed my index finger on his chest. Justin laughed and shrugged as he walked off.

Jodie was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks. I ran back down the hall picked up her muffin and back to her.

"I-I bought you a muffin." I held it out towards her.

"Thanks Harry." she sniffed. I pulled her in towards my chest.

"He won't come near you again." I smiled.

"Y-you're not mad with me?" she looked up at me.

"Of course not!" I giggled. "I watched him kiss you. you didn't kiss back did you?"

"No, no definitely not!" Jodie smiled.

"Ok well I love you." I smiled.

We decided to sit on a bench outside of the hospital.

I saw a girl pull up in her car and hop out. Jodie didn't seem to be paying attention.

"Hi Layla!" I waved as she ran towards us.

"Layla!" Jodie stood up smiling at Layla. They ran towards each other and hugged. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!" Layla giggled.

"Oh I forgot to tell you!" Jodie smiled "I know someone who just went through a break up and is interested in you!"

"Who?!" Layla screamed excitedly. she suddenly gasped "no, no way."

"Liam wants your number." Jodie smiled.

The two girls jumped up and down excitedly screaming.

"Yes yes a thousand times yes!" Layla giggled. She was perfect for Liam. she is so bubbly and has a big personality.

"Well we'll probably be here for the night if you want to come back with us for a week or something, I think we should have an extra hotel room." I smiled at Layla.

"I would love to!" Layla smiled. so this is what fangirling looks like.

We all went back into Barbra's room and told her what our plan was, to stay here overnight and leave tomorrow is she was ok.

She liked the plan and Layla and I left her alone to talk with Jodie.

"So are you excited?" I smirked at Layla.

"Is that even a question Harry?" she smiled "so did you finish the date?"

"Yes it was great! I wasn't very good so Jodie had to teach me but we had so much fun. after that we went back to our hotel and had a swim in the pool." I exclaimed.

"Sounds perfect Harry I'm glad she had fun!" Layla's excitement beamed through her eyes.

Jodie walked out of the room.

"Barbra said that we can go home." She smiled.

"Let's go then!" I held her hand and Jodie, Layla and I walked out of the hospital.


Xx Emily

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