Amanda giggled quietly and opened up one of the packages. There was a note inside, so she read that first.

Hello Prongs' little flame,
Happy seventeenth! I know it's a very special day, but I couldn't find anything very special for your birthday present.
But then I found this. I hope you like it. (By the way, it is supposed to be funny.)
Happy Birthday, Goddaughter!

She pulled off the wrapping to reveal headbands with life-size antlers and dog ears. She burst into laughter and slipped them into her satchel.

She opened the last package and again read the note that slipped out first.

Hi Amanda,
I remembered that it is your birthday today, so I'm sending this to you from myself and our other friend.
I know there is a certain secrecy to this, but I can only assume you might show this to your friends, so I'm signing this by my name from our childhood.
Anyway, Happy Birthday!

She opened up the package to reveal a photo in a frame. It was of Ella, Leo, Draco and herself. She and Leo were scruffing up Draco's hair while Ella laughed.

She giggled and again slipped the package into her bag. She saw Leo and mouthed a thank you. He smiled and continued on his way.

The twins and Lee finished muttering and the group walked into the Hall.

The twins and Lee raced off to Harry and Ron, while Hermione made her way over to Amanda. "I notice they are talking about a group effort between the three of them. Didn't you want to join them?"

Amanda smiled. "I already told them it's not going to work. They're going to try it anyway. Besides, if I wanted to, I wouldn't even need the Ageing Potion. I'm seventeen now, remember?"

Hermione chuckled. "Happy Birthday, Amanda." She said quietly.

Amanda wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you."

Amanda turned to watch Fred and George step into the ring. They obviously thought their plan had worked, but were soon hurled out of the circle. With a loud popping noise, they grew long beards.

"I did warn you," Albus said amusedly, coming out of the Great Hall. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw, and Mr Summers of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little, too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything as fine as yours."

Amanda laughed and walked up to Albus, handing him the drawings that she had drawn that morning.

She accompanied the twins and joined Lee in howling with laughter.

They walked up to the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey sighed exasperatedly as she saw Fred and George.

Amanda couldn't help herself and she took a picture of the twin's expressions. She showed Lee and he burst into laughter once more.


As Amanda, Fred, George and Lee were walking back to the Hall, they saw Flint walking out. He smirked at Amanda and she cursed.

"What is he up to?" She muttered.

"Oi Potter!" He called out. Amanda sighed and turned to face him, as she saw Harry, Ron and Hermione walk out of the Hall.

"What do you want, Flint? Another reason to show that my team can kick your Quidditch team's butt any day?" Fred and George giggled quietly behind her.

Flint's smirk widened. "I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, Potter. You're seventeen now, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Amanda stopped, stunned, as all her friends turned to her and gave her surprised looks.

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