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Dean picking you up early from school because Sam was kidnapped by demons:

Another boring was day in the 11th grade. I was already the freak of the school, because I just got here. The boys wanted me to finish school, uug. I was sitting in my math class drawing pictures of a vampire and spacing out, when the intercom came on.

"Mr. Jones, can I have y/n to sign out please" the woman said and my head perked up. Why would I be leaving, it's the middle of the day. I got up and left with out a word to anyone. I ran up the stairs taking them two at a time and to my locker. I threw my bag in there, not doing the homework anyway.

Then walked to the office and saw Dean there. I walked through the door and signed the paper, and we walked out. But Sam wasn't in the car. "Dean, where's sam?" I asked. "And why did you take me out of school?" I added.

"Its Sam, he was taken by demons, and I need your help." Dean said and started the car.

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