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Imagine Dean picking you up after school:

Today was Monday, uugg. The boys wanted me to go to school and finish my 10th grade year. They said once that's don't I could drop out if I wanted. "Hey glasses" I heard my bully.

I turns around and saw Tyler. "Hello tyler" I said and turned back around. "Where are you going stupid" he asked and jogged to catch up with me. I stopped by the curb but didn't see the impala. Dean we going to pick me up today. "Why are you so fat" he asked but I didn't answer, but sucked my stomach in.

"You should kill your self" he said and I felt a tear in my eye but blinked it away. He pushed on my shoulder so i was facing him. "No one, and I mean no one could ever love a thing like you" he said and that one got me. "Hey" I heard Deans voice and I wiped away my tears.

I saw him getting out of the car and he grabbed Tyler by the shirt. "What did you say to her?" Dean growled. Tyler was shorter than Dean by about half a foot, so this was scary. He punched Tyler and I ran over to him. "Dean, stop. People will see" I said and he pushed me behind him as he punched him again.

"Don't you ever talk to her again. Don't even walk near her in the hall, don't think about her or look at her. If you do I'll be back and I'll have my loaded gun" Dean whispered and was close to Tyler's face. Tyler nodded franticly and Dean pushed him over to me. "Say your sorry" he demanded. "Sorry" he whispered. Dean hit him on the head.

"Louder" Dean said. Tyler looked at me. "I'm sorry, I said that stuff" he said and I nodded and he ran in the other direction. Dean straighten out his shirt and smiled at me. "How was your day kiddo?" He asked.

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