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Cas watches you when Sam and Dean go on a hunt:

"Bye dad, bye uncle bean" I waved and my dad came back over and kissed me on the forehead before they drove off. "Be good for Uncle Cas" dad said and then got in the car.

"Uncle Cas what do you want to do?" I asked him and he looked at me. "How old are you?" He asked me and I held up 3 fingers on one hand and one more on my other hand. "Don't put that finger up, who taught you that" Uncle Cas said and up my hands down. I giggled "uncle Bean" he just shook his head and I walked off.

"Wait for me" he said and caught up with me. We walked to the kitchen and I went to the brown door for food. But dad always put the gold fish to high. I grabbed the air and Uncle Cas came over and grabbed about 7 things that were not the fish.

He finally got some for me and we sat at the table as I ate. I gave him one and he smiled. After that we played hide and seek and Uncle Cas got scared when it was my turn to hide. He found me and told me it was time for a nap, and when I woke up Sam and Dean would be back, but I didn't want to sleep.

I ran away and almost fell down two cliffs to the kitchen. Then all of a sudden Uncle Cas was in front of me. I was shocked and I fell on the floor. He picked me up and we were in my room. I looked around then clapped. "Again, again" I said and he was pale white. "You didn't see that, we didn't telopot to your room. Nap now" he said and sat me in the bed.

"Telport, telport again" I said and jumped on my bed. "It's our little secret, don't tell Sam or Dean" he said put a finger to his lips. I nodded and laid down. I still didn't know who Sam and Dean were. But I'll tell dad and Uncle Bean.

He shut the light off and I closed my eyes, I was tired. I opened my eyes and got out of bed. I opened my door and walked around. "Telport, telport" I yelled. Dad came around the corner and I ran to him. "Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" He asked and smiled.

"Daddy, daddy. Me and Uncle Cas telport" I said and clapped. His smile turned upside down and he put me down grabbing my hand. "Cas!"

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