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Imagine castiel beating up Dean because you got hurt on a hunt:

I grunted as i got out of the car. "Y/n , I'm really sorry" Dean pleaded as he tried to help me, but I pushed him away. "It's fine, I just need a lie down" I said and fell on the door way.

I had gotten my ass kicked by goules, and lost a lot of blood. I was dripping every where but I was still breathing. "Y/n" I heard a deep voice and looked up to see Cas standing there. I smiled and he rushed over to me "What happened?" He demanded and then looked at Sam and Dean. "Sam help her, Dean" Cas said in a deep voice.

Sam walked over to me but I pushed him away wanting to see what Cas was going to do. Dean backed up the the wall and Cas grabbed his shirt. "You were suppose to keep her safe" he said and punched Dean. "Cas!" I yelled but almost fell as Sam caught me.

"Look at her, does she look ok to you?" He barked at Dean. "I'm fine" I said and pushed off of Sam to walk over. Cas punched him again, and again.

He backed up, "Get up and help her, you son if a bitch" Cas spat and pointed at me.

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