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When you wear the holy oil glasses and seeing castiels wings almost around you:

The trials. We had to kill a hell hound. Dean said he would do them and then Sam said he would do them. But they just got back from purgatory, so I was trying to find one. I heard a yell and ran in to a barn.

I saw both boys on the ground and the hell hound, with my glasses dipped in holy oil. He hit me down and I sliced him a little. He yelped and got on me. I stabbed the demon knife in him and cut him down the stomach. Black goo fell on my face and shirt and I pushed the hound to the ground. I huffed and got up to see of the boys were ok.

"Give me the paper" I said to dean and he didn't want to put I told him I would do these damn trials. He gave me the paper and I said the words and I felt something in my body. I can't explain it but it felt like this energy. I got cleaned up and we walked back to the car.

I had not cleaned my glasses off yet so everything looked weird. Sam and Dean put there's back. I looked around and then Cas was in front of me. I almost screamed.

I covered my mouth tho. "What happened" he asked but I was looking around me. I saw Cas' wings around me. They were beautiful. "Y/n" he said again. "Oh, umm. The trials" I said and reached my hand out but the wing moved out of the way. "What are you doing?" Dean asked me and I took my hand back and shrugged.

I put my arms to my side and told cas want happened and his wings just kept coming closer. I took my glasses off and just saw Cas there. I decided to leave the glasses on.

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