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Imagine the Winchesters picking you up for a hunt:

It was a normal day. I sat on the couch of my motel room and read the paper. My phone buzzed telling me someone was calling me. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked because I didn't know the number. "Y/n, it me Dean" the voice said and i smiled. "Dean Winchester, how long has it been?" I asked and sat at the table I was just sitting at. "Almost a year, and I am still sorry" Dean said. "What do you want?" I asked and he told me about a case they were working and I agreeded to help them.

I told them where I was and they said they would pick me up because me car is a piece of shit. I sat at my table until I heard that all to fimilar car horn. I got up and opened my door seeing the Winchesters sitting In there car waiting for me. I walked over and got in and we drove off.

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