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Imagine being an assin and Sam and Dean underestimate your skills:

"Target A and B in sight" I said into my walkie talkie. I was sent here to kill Sam and Dean Winchester. I have been following them all day and I'm about to approach. They were sitting and I had to woo Dean.

Ugh boys.

I walked over and leaned down on there table. "Hey there" I said to dean and Sam scoffed. "Hi" Dean said with a smile. "I couldn't help but notice you are so hot, and can I like get your number so we can hang out" I said as sexy as I could. He looked at Sam and then got up. "We could hang out right now." Dean said amd wiggled his eye brows.

"Dean, the case" he complained. Dean started to walk away and we went to his car. We went back to the hotel and when Dean shut the door he pulled out his gun. "Weapons on the ground, don't try anything" he said and pointed his gun at me. I put my hands up and shook my head, trying to cry. "What are you talking about, i- I don't know what your talking about." I said and a tear fell down my face.

Sam walked in and he pulled his gun out and pointed it at me "please, please don't shoot." I pleaded and more fake tears fell out. "Drop the act we know you've been following us all day" Dean said. I wiped my face and rolled my eyes. "Fine, what now" I asked and put my hand on my hip.

"Weapons on the floor then sit" Dean said and them Sam pulled up a chair. I pulled out a gun or two and about 7 different knifes and some other stuff putting it on the bed then sitting. Sam grabbed my wrist and hand cuffed me to the chair. "Why are you following us?" Dean asked and I just looked around the room. "What do you think would happen if I screamed?" I asked and the boys looked scared.

I laughed.

"Why are you following us?" Dean demanded. "I was sent to kill you" I shrugged. "By who, and why" Sam asked and sat on the bed to look at my stuff. "Dont know don't care. I just get told who to kill then do it." I sighed. "What if we kill you" Dean asked. "Well I guess I'll be dead then" I said and looked at them.

"How old are you anyway, you look a little young to be an assassin." Sam asked me. "I'll be 16 in May" I said and they had wide eyes. "How long have you been doing this" Sam asked. "3 years in May" i said and pulled on the cuffs. I just needed them to leave.

"Ok, well where are your parents?" Sam asked but I didn't answer. "You look a lot older than almost 16" Dean said. They kept asking me questions and when I didn't answer they walked out side, and I knew I needed about 4 seconds. I got out my paper clip and put it in the lock. I was out and I rolled for my gun and ran over to the door. I stood behind it and waited. They walked in and I kicked the door closed a d they put there hands up. "She's good" Sam asked and I smiled. "Weapons on the bed, and thanks" I said and they did it.

"Going to kill us" Dean asked and sat down in the chair I was just in. I looked at both of them, and shook my head throwing my gun on the bed. They were shocked and told them to stand. "I won't have to if you guys got away" I said and smiled. "Or if we kidnapped you?" Sam said and we both looked at him. "What?" I asked. "You could be our kid sister. Being an assassin is no job for a 15 year old" Sam said and Dean nodded.

I squinted my eyes and took a step back. "Really, you'll take me in?" I asked and they nodded. "Well teach you everything you need to know" Dean said and it was settled. We got in the "baby" as Dean called her and we drove down the road.

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