Chapter Forty-Five

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"I didn't realise that you were still a thing," I commented, having not encountered him since I left him out the front of his dorm room all those months ago.

"Ah yes, I am, surprise surprise. Potter was predictable, everyone saw that coming, but Black? Now that I wasn't expecting," he smirked, shifting comfortably back into the chair.

"I'm glad that my love life keeps you on your toes," I snarked, eyes flaming with suspicion, teeth clenching in anger.

"Watch yourself Lupin, your next words may be your last," he tutted, the brilliant and charming blue eyes that I once fell in love with now wicked, gleaming steel.

"I don't know how I fell in love with you, Nic, I really don't. How could I not see what you'd become?" I muttered lowly, the last few words triggering memories of warnings from my friends.

He paused and I awaited his response in baited breath, as did the two boys at my table. One a secret death eater and the other, well the other was hopefully someone I could count on to respond quickly in case things went down hill.

"Potter did, that's ultimately why we broke up isn't it? Back then he was all you saw, even when you were with me. Look at you now, no friends, just a loyal snake that you shack up with in his dorm room," he spits, obviously still slightly sensitive about the topic. "You just signed your death warrant, Lupin, no one can save you now, not even your little buddies in the future," he grinned wickedly, white teeth shining a bright white. "I'll be seeing you soon."

With those parting words, he stood from his seat, nodding to the few Slytherins across the room before exiting the room as swiftly as he entered. A sudden chill ran down my spine at his threat, knowing that there was truth behind it. All the possibilities of how he possibly knew about me suddenly sprang to mind, the room closing in on me as I struggled to breathe. What was happening to me?

A grip on my elbow had my eyes shooting up in paranoia, only to meet stormy grey eyes, "Come on," he tugged me out of the chair, speaking a few words to his brother before dragging me out of the room.

"What did he say?" Regulus demanded as he dragged me down the stairs hurriedly, my feet clumsily attempting to follow him in my panic, tears threatening to burst at the severity of the situation.

"What did he say for fuck sake Lilah?" He yelled furiously, his grip tightening as my panic escalated, pausing his rushed stride for only a moment to shoot me his famous iced glare. "Fucking hell, how hard is it to answer?"

My foot caught on the last step, making me stumble into the wall beside the window in the staircase. Sobs bubbled up in my throat as I tried to force out a coherent sentence, never before had I been on the receiving end of Regulus' anger and by Merlin was it frightening.

Eyes as cold as Nicholas', the grey solidifying, almost turning coal black. His facial features were twisted into a snarl, impatient and unforgiving.

He was the epitome of a death eater.

Merciless and hateful.

And it was all directed at me.

Tears tangled with my mascara down my cheeks as I struggled to get air into my lungs, to force myself to remember how to breathe.

"Fuck sake, we don't have time for this," Regulus growled out, roughly letting go of my hand in favour of encasing my cheeks, pale thumbs wiping away the mascara tracks before shooting forward, his lips pressed firmly against my trembling ones.

Everything stilled, eyes wide open as I stare incredulously at the man before me.

He pulled back, eyes emotionless as he glanced over me in assessment. "You were having a panic attack," he shrugs in explanation, appearing to be calmer than earlier before resuming to pulling me down the stone stairs, hurried footsteps echoing loudly.

"He knows," I cried out, not having yet ceased my panicking.

"I know," he replied, grip tightening on my hand as I attempted to pull us to a halt. He knows? What is that supposed to mean?

"What is that supposed to mean, Regulus?" I voiced my thoughts, hating how vulnerable they sounded.

"You know what it means. All death eaters know, but most importantly the Dark Lord knows. If Nicholas is making such a public threat then he isn't scared of the repercussions, he doesn't view Dumbledore as a threat. Hogwarts isn't safe for you anymore."

"What do you mean it isn't safe anymore?"

"Exactly that, Lilah! What part of that sentence did you not grasp?" He snaps, fed up with my stupid, uncomprehending state.

Another tear leaked as I struggled to understand his words. Nicholas knows I'm from the future. Regulus knows I'm from the future. The death eaters know I'm from the future. Voldemort knows I'm from the future.

My paradise was no longer safe.

If I couldn't stay here and I couldn't go home, then where would I go?

What would become of me?

I would have no one.

"If he gets a hold of you Sunshine, there won't be any survivors. You won't survive this, you won't survive him," he explained, his voice softening towards the end.

"I have in the past," I mumbled, too scared to look away from his piercing eyes for even a moment.

"Not this time, not without Harry you won't," he smiled despite himself, hating how in the future she had a child with the pompous prick of Gryffindor.

He hated how she died before she even hit the age of 21.

"What will happen to you?" I clung to him, my hands reaching to cup his cheeks, loving how he leant into the touch.

"That doesn't matter," he bit his lip, hesitating for a second before leaning in closer, giving me ample opportunity to pull away. Not that I wanted to.

Our lips connected delicately – too delicately for someone as dominating as Regulus. His lips moved softly and slowly, as if trying to memorise the movement before he pulled away.

"You have to go, Sunshine," he passed me a brown backpack as we reached the entrance of the school, a frown marring his face. I didn't want to leave him, I couldn't leave him. I reached forward, chucking the bag to my feet as my hands grasped either side of his robes, harshly pulling him forward into my lips, standing up onto my tippy toes to speed up the process.

"I'll see you soon?" I sniffled against his lips, not yet relinquishing my hold on him, not yet ready to let him go.

"I'll see you soon, Sunshine," he tucked a stray strand of hair away from my forehead, tucking it neatly behind my ear. "I promise."

With his parting words, I ran from the grounds, desperate to gain as much distance as I could between Voldemort and myself for it wouldn't be long before he came.

And as much as I wanted to force myself to believe Regulus' last words, I knew that that was the first time he had ever lied to me.

There would be no seeing him soon.


What do you guys think will happen next?

There's only like six chapters left! I can't wait to post them!

I'd just like to say a massive thanks to all my readers, in this past week alone I've gotten over 120 votes! I honestly adore all the support xx

Remember to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and if you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote:)


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