Chapter Thirty

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*Lilah POV*

"Lil' Lupin!" A voice called out behind me as I walked up the hill from Care of Magical Creatures.

I turn around, my eyes scanning the crowd before meeting Sirius' expectant gaze. A smile tugged at my lips as I noticed the excited features he bore whilst he bounded up the hill to reach me.

"Hey," I bit my lip, taking the time to appreciate the way his chest rose and fell and the pink tinge that covered his cheeks as he noticed my line of sight.

"Like what you see?" He joked, reaching a standstill before me.

"Maybe." I teased, once again succeeding in making Sirius Black blush.

Who would've thought?

"Do you have a date for the dance?" He asked bluntly, tucking a wild curl behind his ear.

His stance screamed confidence, a cool and assured aura surrounding him.

I nodded no, a soft smile gracing my face as I realised how this conversation would turn.

"Good," he sighed out in relief, an unrecognisable emotion flashing in his eyes. "Because I would be honoured if you were to accompany me, Milady," he mock bowed, his left arm sweeping out in front of him.

I laughed, allowing the chilly breeze to blow my hair behind me, falling hazardously on the back of my jumper as I curtsied in return, "Of course, kind Sir. I would be delighted."

"How delightful!" He offered his elbow, guiding me towards the Great Hall.

"Delightful indeed."


I walked into the Hall by myself, Sirius having to serve a detention with Professor McGonagall.

Well, her younger version anyways.

Man did that still trip me out.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as my eyes fell upon a certain blue-eyed Marauder.

He sure had beautiful eyes.

However, they shined with something? Strength maybe? I took a closer look, ignoring the glare sent a few tables away from one blonde death eater.


What in Merlin could he be determined about?

Passing our N.E.W.T.'s maybe? No it couldn't be, that wasn't until the end of they year and knowing James he wouldn't even bother to study, rather preferring to relax and rely on his 'immaculate memory'.

He strode towards me with a shy yet purposeful demeanour, clutching at something behind his back. He was only a few feet away before he turned, leaping up onto the wooden seat beside the older Prewitt, Molly I believed her name to be. He then jumped on the Gryffindor table from there, careful as to not step into any of the food.

"Lilah Lupin," he began, speaking loudly as the Hall fell into a hushed silence. "I would first like to admit to Merlin himself how much of a git I was to you. I was a rude git who didn't bother to understand your feelings, too preoccupied with my own. I want to take this opportunity to apologise to you, properly. I deeply regret my actions and the foul words my mouth spouted and the quick temper you seem to bring out in me – that I bring out in myself," he rectified, having interpreted my disbelieving expression. "The snakes would be lucky to have such an amazing person like you, Merlin, I'm sure with you, we couldn't even nickname them that anymore, no person as just, caring and kind as you could ever be labelled as such an evil prick," he continued on, ignoring the angered outroar of protests from those he just blatantly insulted, jumping onto the cold, tiled flooring. 

"By Merlin, I know I can never fully repent for my sins against you, Love, but if you allowed me even the chance..." he fumbled, tugging nervously at his tie before pulling his arm free from behind his back, a cute and messy bouquet of daisies clutched tightly in his whitening hand. He knelt down on one knee, our peers disappearing, the two of us so caught up in the moment that a bewildered and pained man that held a bouquet of red roses went unnoticed, his dark, ambient curls deflating as he witnessed the scene before him. "Would you give me the honour of escorting you to the ball?"

I leapt at him, embracing him tightly in my arms as my eyes swam with tears. Finally, I could breathe again. The world once again began to orbit. The stars twinkling in the light of day.

I had finally heard the words I didn't know I needed so desperately.

His dark, thick hair was entangled between my fingers as I breathed in his scent, forcing myself to calm down.

If only I didn't already have a date.

If only I didn't have to break his heart.

If only I didn't have to break my own.

"I accept your apology," I mumbled into his shoulder, not willing to admit the rest of the truth and be forced out of his arms.

To be forced out of what felt like home.

"But Sirius already asked me..." I trailed off, taking a deep breath before taking the plunge. "And I said yes."


How cute is James? Like he's so adorable sometimes and it just breaks my heart</3

Let me know what you thought!


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