Chapter Twelve

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Okay so I know it's a seriously early update but I've actually had this written for months and I just wanted to update it already! Hope you enjoy the awkwardness;)


*Lilah POV*

"...and I was like no way is the Giant Squid ever getting its grubby little tentacles on this masterpiece. Like do you know how long I spent on my hair that morning? No? Well, I do! And it was far too long to waste it on Squid hunting, let me tell you that!" Sirius rambled.

"Hey," Someone breathed in my ear, their warm breath sending goose bumps up my neck.

I turned my head slightly, spotting the telltale golden blonde hair.

"Hi," I whispered, a small smile lighting my face.

"You look beautiful," he grinned into my shoulder.

"I know," I joked, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

I turned to face him as he stepped away slightly, putting a comfortable distance between us.

He chuckled, "Ready to go, Love?"

I cringed.

"What? You don't like love?" He laughed, slinging a tanned arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his warm side as we walked down the cobblestone path towards the carriages.

"Anything but Love, I beg of you!" I pleaded dramatically, uncomfortable with him using the term of endearment.

"How about Sweetheart then?"

"Sweetheart is perfect, Nic," I grinned up at him.

"You know what else is perfect?"



Cue heart melt.

*James POV*

"You know what else is perfect? You," I mocked, pretending to vomit. "This guy needs to get some new lines. As if that shit works!"

"Hate to break it to you mate but it looks like it has," Sirius pointed to the pair not far in front of them.

Great. They were extra cuddled up. Exactly what everyone needs on a warm day – extra body heat and cuddles.

"Fucking twat," I growled lowly, kicking a rock off the path in anger.

"Mate you need to de-stress your breasts, your animal is showing." Sirius joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah? Are my antlers magically sprouting out of my head? Maybe I can use them to stab Nicholas. Now that would be magical." I grinned, imagining it.

"You need some help. Like professional help. Like ASAP. Because despite me being willing to help hide a body, I'd rather not face Little Lupin's wrath – I mean do you remember how scary she was when we first found her by the Lake? Like holy crackers!" He shivered.

"Holy crackers?" I snorted.

"If priests can bless water, James, I'm sure that they can bless crackers too."

*Lilah POV*

"You're a chocolate fan then, I'm assuming?"

I nodded my head laughing, "How could you assume otherwise?" I mock gasped.

He leant over the table, his honey brown eyes staring into my own as a wide grin split across his lips.

The Chance of Fallingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें