Chapter Forty-One

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"I didn't see this one coming," someone snorted, earning a few chuckles.

"Fuck off," something underneath me grumbled, pulling me in closer to the warmth.

"Reg you're going to be late if you both don't get up," an unfamiliar voice warned, tugging on the arm around my waist.

"Fine," it grumbled underneath me, the sound reverberating into my cheek.

"Lilah," warm breath hit my ear, slowly stirring me awake.

"No," I moaned, clinging tighter to the source of comfort.

"Trust me, if I could stay like this all day I would Sunshine," it chuckled.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking in disorientation as I looked around at the sniggering Slytherins before us.

"Fuck off already," Regulus growled, leaning his head back against the pillow, pulling me closer to his chest. "We're awake, you can leave."

My face flushed red, not used to being in such close proximity to him.

"You can't blush at cuddling after what I saw you do last night," Regulus taunted, grinning darkly down at me, tightening his grip.

"I so can," I poked my tongue out at him before sitting up, realising that we had fallen asleep in front of the fire.

His hand darts out, quickly tugging me back onto the couch underneath him, his weight supported by his forearms as he hovers over me. "I don't remember saying that you could get up."

"I don't remember needing your permission," I pushed him off of me and onto the dark green carpeted flooring, sitting up once more.

"Watch it, Sunshine," Regulus growled, stretching out on the floor before resting his arms behind his head.

"Sunshine?" I spat, not particularly fond of the name.

"Because you're a ball of sunshine, obviously," he grinned up at me sarcastically before climbing to his feet. "Get up." He demanded, glaring down at me.

"No," I argued, not wanting to listen to the rude man.

His glare quickly turned icy, no longer were they a warning but a promise. He reached an arm out, painfully pulling me up from the couch before throwing me over his shoulder, my stomach landing uncomfortably against his back. I thrashed my legs out in protest, not at all accepting of the current situation.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I cried out angrily, beating against his back.

"What the fuck does it look like?" He snorted, moving to walk up the steps.

"Where are we going?" I demanded, not yet ceasing my incessant beating.

"Where the fuck does it look like?"

"Why?" I threw my hands out, already exasperated with our short conversation.

"If you want to go to breakfast looking like a cheap whore then be my guest," he shrugged, the motion jostling me roughly.

Cheap whore?

Who the hell does he think he is?

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"You're a fucking asshole."

"Tell me something I don't know, Sunshine," he turned his head, winking down at me before opening a door.

The Chance of FallingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora