Chapter Three

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Remus above:)


*Third Person POV*

"All done! Now don't forget to take these twice a day," Madam Pomfrey reminds me, her young eyes staring sternly into my tired ones.

Dumbledore stares upon in the scene in uncontained curiosity, his eyes scanning the young girl who happened to stumble upon the castle.

He clears his throat roughly, quickly gaining their attention.

"Oh! My apologies Professor, I didn't see you there," Madam Pomfrey spoke.

"It's no worries," Dumbledore replied, waving his hand casually. "May I have a word with our new ward?"

"Why of course professor, I shall head to the hall for dinner. Send for me if I am needed," She smiles.

Madam Pomfrey quickly smooths down the creases on her uniform, adjusting her hat so that it sits prim and proper before making her way towards the entrance.

The wooden door closed with a bang, the young girl flinching at the loud sound.

Her eyes sized Dumbledore up, a knowing twinkle shining in her blue eyes.

"I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. May I enquire as to who you are?" He questions cautiously.

*First Person POV*

I sit up, leaning back casually against the pillows on the headboard.

"Lilah Lupin at your service Alby," I mock salute.

A flicker of surprise flashed in his eyes before scanning my appearance.

"May I?" He gestures towards the end of my bed.

I nod, a cheeky smile tilting the corner of my lips.

"Any relation to Remus Lupin?" He enquires.

"He's my cousin," I lie apprehensively, knowing for sure that he's going to realise.

"Ah Miss Lupin," He begins, "there is no need to lie to me. Now, is there any real relation to Mr Lupin?"

"He's my father," I mumble.

A look of shock registers across his face before he replaces it with a knowing one.

"Ah, the future." He states, rubbing his beard. "How do you find yourself in the past, Miss Lupin?"

"Voldemort, actually." I reply casually, tossing my ratty hair into a messy bun atop my head.

The professor's face darkens immediately, his eyes telling me to continue with my story.

"I was bantering with Voldy, y'know just the usual and then he whips out some hella shocking news and I was like omg no way and then he was like omg yes way and then bam! One avada kedavra later and I woke up to my uncle kicking me. That was actually pretty weird, y'know, considering he's supposed to be dead. All of them, actually." I state, picking at the chipped black nail polish on my fingers.

He stares at me blankly, no emotion or thought crossing his face.

"You do know Voldy, yeah? Wait, is he before your time? Well, anyways he's this super dark wizard who wants to take over the world and kill muggles and half-bloods and stuff," I babble.

"I am aware of who the Dark Lord is, Miss Lupin. Your news just came as a shock," Dumbledore interrupts.

A blush slowly crept up my face as he chuckled.

"I assume you were Gryffindor?"

"Yes professor, I was."

"Good, I will sort out your classes for tomorrow and provide any necessary items for your stay here." He says, slowly standing up upon his feet.

"Stay?" I question, hope filling my eyes at the chance to be with my father and Sirius once more.

"Stay," he nods in agreement. "I will not condone sending you to an unsafe place in the future, no matter the risk it may have in this time."

"But Harry..." I drift.

"Harry?" He questions.

"Harry Potter, my son. I can't just leave him!" I exclaim.

"Potter you say?" An amused glint twinkles in his old eyes. "The future will stop moving so there is no need for you to worry, now shall I escort you to your common room or will you be fine on your own?"

"I'm sure I can manage Professor, thanks for your help." I reply, gratefulness to the older man shining through.

"Oh, yes also you are to remain with the cover that you are the cousin of Remus Lupin. You must not under any circumstances reveal your true identity unless it is under extreme direness and it is required. Am I understood?" He finishes sternly.

I nod my head, complying with his wishes.

"One last thing before I go, I would refrain from informing your peers of your parental status, I know of one who may find it rather... peculiar."

Why are his eyes laughing?


"That will be all, Miss Lupin." He states, his robes swaying as he swiftly exits the hospital wing.

He had to have meant my father.



Chapter Three completed!

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