Chapter Five

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Marlene above:)


*Lilah POV*

The sun woke me in the early morning, cocooning me in its warm embrace as it gently nudges me awake.

I stretch my arms as I sit up in my bed, stifling a yawn as I ran my hand over my bedhead. I looked around the room, noticing that I was oddly placed in the same one that I was roomed in whilst I was in the future.

I took a moment to take in my roommates who were already asleep by the time I got in last night, most likely trying to get a good night's rest before the second day's classes.

Today was the second of September, the second day of the year. As if that wasn't going to make me noticeable, I was in Seventh Year – a year I had basically already completed.

Well at least if the content was the same I didn't have to study or try too hard considering I'd already learnt it.

I quietly got of bed, moving slowly and softly as to not disturb my new roommates before making my way to the bathroom to prepare for my fist day. After getting ready, I apprehensively turned towards the bathroom door, fully aware of the fact that my new roommates were surely awake now. Well, here goes nothing I guess.

I twisted the handle, not wanting to dawdle any longer. I swung the door open and walked to the foot of my bed where my bag lied patiently.

A soft cough caught my attention, swivelling my head towards the red head that was staring at me curiously. "Hello, are you new?" She questioned.

No shit, I thought sarcastically

I forced a polite smile on my face before answering, "Yeah, I'm Lilah."

"Lily Evans," she greeted before gesturing to the blonde, "that's Marlene," and finally waving towards the girl who was only waking up. "That's Alice."

I hesitantly smiled at them, the possibility of one of these girls being my mother running through my mind.

Marlene quickly zipped up the back of her skirt, positioning herself in front of her mirror to do her makeup.

"So where'd you transfer from?" Marlene questioned, tracing the outer curve of her eyebrow with her angled brush.

"Beauxbatons actually," I replied smoothly, having previously prepared answers.

"Oh! What was it like?" She squealed excitedly, turning to face me.

"It was just marvellous! The guys were like super cute!" I fake gushed.

"Maybe I should transfer," she muttered thoughtfully, a cheeky grin tilting at her lips.

Lily swatted the side of her head with a pillow before jumping on Alice – the girl who happened to still be in bed sleeping.

"Alice," she drew out softly, trying to coax her awake.

"If you don't get up I'll get Longbottom," Marlene threatened, apparently taking a different approach than Lily.

"Okay," Alice grumbled quietly, closing her eyes once more.

"And he'll get to see your lovely morning appearance, he'll especially love the drool." Marlene teased.

Alice mumbled incoherently, tiredly waving her hand in dismissal, not bothering to register Marlene's threats.

Marlene jumped up from her position in front of the mirror, quickly making her way towards the door.

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