Chapter Forty-Three

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"How's changing the future coming along?" Remus questioned, twiddling the quill between his fingers in anticipation.

I had never updated him after the party – an event that felt like years ago but in reality was only a few measly months.

"Alright, I guess, I haven't really done much other than break up with James. I guess that changes the future enough in itself," I shrug, licking my bottom lip as I continue to focus on my Divination homework – a class I had recently discovered to share with Regulus. How I had never noticed him was beyond me.

"I never expected him to act like that, especially not with how in love with you he seemed to be," Remus admitted quietly, looking out over the lake.

"You and I both," I mumbled, "turns out he wasn't so in love with me though."

We both sit in comfortable silence, occasionally helping one another with questions we were stuck on.

"Do the girls know the truth?" I ask hesitantly, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

"They do now, they feel quite guilty, especially Lily," Remus replied, taking a moment to look up from his parchment.

Right, they were dating. I had forgotten about that.

"Is she my mother?"

Remus sighed, leaning back against the bark of the tree, "Your guess is as good as mine."

*Regulus POV*

"What are you doing, Black? Stalking your girl already?" Flint sniggers, shocking me, as he slides onto the bench next to me, not that I'd show that I was surprised.

"Fuck off, Flint," I growl, resuming watching over Lilah with her beast of a cousin.

"You're letting her hang out with a werewolf?" Flint raises his eyebrow, "I mean it's an issue enough that she's not a pureblood but now you're letting her associate with feral animals? What the fuck," he tsks, "you're reputation is already damaged enough with her, don't let her drag it through the dirt as well."

With that, he stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder before walking away, no doubt off to shag that Greengrass slut.

It wasn't an issue to me anymore that she wasn't pureblood, the majority of the wizarding world wasn't, but Merlin knows I couldn't admit that out loud. Not after I had pledged my life to the Dark Lord.

To Voldemort.

A fool I had been, bending to my parents every whim and wish in hopes that they would eventually love me. I had been blinded but not anymore.

I glanced towards the lake once more, drinking in a laughing Lilah with a scowl on my face, hating the feeling that aroused in me. I shouldn't be feeling this, especially not for a Gryffindor. At first, she was a piece of amusement, a form of entertainment, but now - now she was so much more.

She had unknowingly wriggled herself into my dark heart, one that hadn't seen light in so long, forcing me to act out in an attempted struggle to the newfound feelings.

Feelings. Disgusting.

My scowl deepened as I remembered the news of Lilah being a time traveller, hating the target that has now been painted in bright crimson red on her back. I had to protect her, watch over her, for any moment they could attack.

My friends had my back for the time being, but for how long? Everyone knows that fear and survival trump loyalty.

Just look at half the death eaters, all coerced into joining through manipulation and terror.

She would not be tortured and exploited by my family and Voldemort, not if I had anything to do with it.

*Lilah POV*

I smile bashfully into the sun, relishing the way Regulus' dark blue eyes burned into me. It made me feel safe. Secure. Loved.

I knew I could keep my guard down with him, I knew the actions he would take in the future to stop Voldemort. Like I said, he's an asshole but a good kind of asshole.

"Lilah," a voice whispered, drawing me out of my wondering thoughts of Regulus.

My eyes snapped to a pale, withdrawn James, his hair askew as normal but deep bags lined his eyes. He had obviously had trouble sleeping lately, probably from the late night pranks he loved to participate in.

"Yes?" I smiled coldly, forcing myself to be civil for Remus' sake, more aware of his presence behind me than ever. It may have also to do with the fact that I could still feel Regulus' eyes, knowing he would step in at any moment if things escalated.

Something that I intended to avoid.

"Can we talk?" He whispered, light blue eyes sad, tugging his tie anxiously.

I nodded my head once, standing up to collect my things, bidding goodbye to Remus with the promise to see him tomorrow. He was making an effort to further our relationship, something I couldn't and wouldn't take for granted.

Memories could be all I had left one day.

I followed a sullen James along the bank of the lake, kicking a stray stone in an awkward fashion, allowing James the time to collect his thoughts.

"Love, I'm so so sorry," he breathed out, coming to a halt. "I can't stand being without you, not waking up to you in my arms, not hearing your laugh or not being able to rely on you to fix my tie for me because after seven years I still can't do it properly and I need you. Merlin, I need you so much baby," he cried out, taking a step closer to me. "No amount of grovelling is going to make up for me breaking your trust, for lying to you and using you but I love you, I really do. That was never a lie."

My breath comes out in rapid pants as I process his words, forcing the tears down because I was not weak. Not anymore. Not with Regulus.

Not with him watching me, his eyes narrowed in anger but providing a small source of comfort that kept me standing. He was still there and I knew he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"I still love you, James," I smiled gently, ignoring his elation in favour of preparing myself for what comes next, "but I can't be with you, not after what you did. I can't trust you."

His heart shatters, tears brimming his eyes as his knees lock in place, keeping him standing as he breaks into pieces before me as a tear escapes, "I'm not giving up," he promises, hands clenched into fists.

"Your efforts aren't worth it James, it'd just be a waste of your time," I warn, readjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"Is it him?" he questions, anger beginning to form in the place of heartbreak, "is it Regulus?"

"He is one of many reasons, James. I'll see you in class," I nod, walking forward to move past him when he grips my arm tightly but not enough to hurt.

"What about our son? What about Harry?" He tried in one last-ditch effort.

I freeze in my place, my spine jutting out rigidly as I realise the full consequences of my actions. But how did he know about Harry?

"Some ginger told me a while back," he shrugs, "I think he mentioned being from the future."

I sucked in a sharp breath, eyes clenched tightly as I pull my arm out of his grasp, "Some things are better left in the past."

And with that I walked away, leaving a piece of my heart behind me.


So it seems like things are finally over between James and Lilah:/ or are they? *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*

Leave your thoughts below in the comments and let me know what your favourite part about this chapter was!

P.S. Have a very merry christmas y'all!


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