Chapter Twenty Six

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*Lilah POV*

"Yeah okay!" Remus yelled. "You want to talk about lying? Well then how about you start us off, huh?"

I stared at him in hurt, never had my dad yelled at me.

Not my dad.

Not my dad I had to remind myself.

"What?" I breathed out, confused at how the conversation had taken such a massive turn.

"Is your name even Lilah? Or did you lie about that, too?" He continued to yell, his face holding a fury that none of us had seen before. "Ha! I get it, it's Lie-lah, yeah?"

"Of course my name is Lilah, Remus! What are you even going on about?" I exclaimed, feeling my temper rise.

"Are you even my cousin?"

My silence was his answer.

He staggered back a few steps, "Of course you're not," He laughed, tears stinging at his eyes.

Four hours earlier

"What are you doing?" I asked Sirius warily, kind of scared of the answer.

"I, my Dear, am obviously eating breakfast," He replied casually, shoving a spoon of cornflakes into his mouth.

"Right," I coughed, still a bit apprehensive.

I sat down opposite him, shooting him glances every now and then when I thought he wouldn't notice.

"Like what you see?" He attempted to grin cockily only to fail as milk began to dribble down his chin, setting me off in hysterical laughter. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Once I calmed down, I decided to follow Sirius' actions and spit it out. "What's wrong, Iri?"

"Whatever do you mean, Angel?"

"You're just being quiet, it's unlike you," I answered, staring at him worriedly, knowing that something major had to be wrong if he was being this quiet.

"It's nothing, really, Li." He attempted to assure, forcing a weak smile upon his lips.

"Tell me," I demanded, reaching over to grab his hand in mine.

"I-," he sighed, gently removing his hand from mine.

I looked at him in hurt, doing my best to not take his brush-off personally.

"Hey, hey, it's not you, alright?" He grabbed my hand tightly, not letting go despite my attempt. "It's just James being James." He sighed out.

"I'm always here for you, you know that right? I mean I'm not going to feed you a bullshit line but if you need a shoulder to cry on," I teased, referring to his speech from a few days ago.

He barked out a laugh, his grey eyes scrunching up as he shook his head. "Get lost you little sod."

"You know you love me," I goaded, winking at him playfully.

"That I do," He sighed quietly.

Two hours earlier

*James POV*

"Just ask her," I encouraged a nervous Remus, watching him as he paced in front of his bed.

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