Chapter Ten

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*Lilah POV*

I walked into the Great Hall slightly apprehensive, my mind turning over the events that had happened only moments ago with James. Would he have kissed me if I hadn't ruined the moment?

No, of course not. Don't be absurd.

He has a girlfriend and plus if he was going to have feelings for anyone other than Vicki it would be Lily – the girl he'd apparently had a crush on for the majority of his schooling.

I came to a stop at the middle of the table, awkwardly smiling at the group, not quite sure where I stood with them after getting in a fight with Vicki despite sitting with James and Sirius in Divination.

"Sit down would you?" Sirius mumbled, his mouth stuffed with food.

"Attractive," I crinkled my nose.

"I know," he smirked.

I sat down on the bench between Remus and James, flicking Sirius on the nose.


"Hi," I grinned.

*James POV*

"Cheeky little git," Sirius mumbled under his breath.

I laughed quietly as I took another sip of my drink.

"What did you guys just have?" Peter asked, his eyes scanning the group.

"Potions," Remus replied. "Ah that reminds me.." he trailed off, digging in his bag.

"No homework at the table," Lilah scolded, lightly hitting Remus on his arm.


"No but's!"



"Let me-"


"What are you? My mum?" He huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Sure, if you want to be my Dad," she joked.

"How would that even work?" Sirius muttered, scratching his head in confusion.

"Oh Iri," Lilah sighed.


"Iri?" Sirius chuckled.

The girl that held my attention shrugged casually, moving her hair over the back of her shoulder.

"You needed a nickname."

"Um, I have one! A good one! It's Padfoot! It's P-A-D-F-O-O-T. Or Pads for short. P-A-D-S." He explained, waving his hands frantically in the air, quickly working himself into a frenzied state.

"Pads like the female product, right?" She raised an eyebrow, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, trying to break free at the sight of the horrified look on her friend's face. "Maybe we should call you tam-"

"Iri! Iri is perfect!" He interrupted, his face quickly heating up.

I glanced between the two, wondering if there was something possibly going on between the two of them.

The last thing I needed was more competition.

I looked at the other two members of our group; for the first time thankful for the fact that one had the appearance of a rat and the other was Lilah's cousin.

That just left the tampon.

*Lilah POV*

Remus and I walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts, or better known as DADA, together.

It was nice being able to finally spend some time with my Dad alone.

"Chocolate?" He offered, pulling the half-eaten sweet out of his robe.

"Yes please," I nodded, breaking off a square and eating it.

"It must be a Lupin thing," Remus deduced.

"The love for chocolate? I know my Dad is obsessed with it, that's for sure." I chuckled, breaking off another square and plonking it in my mouth.

"He does, huh?" Remus questioned, a small smirk forming on his lips.

Why would he be smirking?

"We have this tradition that every Friday night we're both home we make chocolate chip pancakes and smother them with Nutella and ice-cream and watch lame movies all night that we make fun of..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling homesick.

"He sounds like a great guy," Remus said softly.

I glanced up at the younger version of my Dad, wishing that he were the father that I knew and loved. "He is," I whispered.

Remus placed a comforting arm around my shoulders, directing me to the DADA classroom.

"Thanks," I mumbled quietly.

"What's family for?"


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