Chapter Four

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Sirius above:)

Oh yeah and shout out to the amazing loser justjess44 for the wicked cover <3

P.S. go check her out


It wasn't until I reached the common room that I realised that I didn't know the password.

I stared at the portrait, begging her to let me in.

"Come on Fat Lady! Just let me in!"

She scoffed in indignance, turning her head to the left in dismissal.

"You can't just not let me in! I'm a Gryffindor, I'm new!" I carried on, anger marking my words at her refusal.

A soft chuckle interrupted my pleading, quickly withdrawing my attention from the idiotic lady.

It was Glasses.

"You alright there, Love?" A smirk twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Bloody sod I thought as I smiled at him.

"Of course, James right?" I checked.

"That would be correct Love, any particular reason you're trying to get into Gryffindor common room?" He questioned, absentmindedly running his hand through his chocolate hair.

"I was sorted into Gryffindor but I kinda forgot to ask for the password," I grinned sheepishly, looking down at my feet.

He chuckled once more, the deep sound reverberating through his chest.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me towards to portrait once more, "Courage."

The lady looked at me; taking in my dirty appearance, distaste flickering across her features. She sighed before swinging the entrance open, granting us access to the house common room.

*Third Person POV*

Plentiful red plush couches scattered across the room, the blazing fireplace the main feature and providing warmth to all who reside in it. Stone crept along the walls and flooring, soft carpeting lying at the feet of the sofas. Bookshelves reached for the ceiling, stacked full and ready to relinquish its resources to all whilst the desks and tables sat quietly, waiting for their turn of use.

The young man watched in awe as his companion drunk in the sight of the common room, the young woman happy to finally be home.

"So this is our common room!" James announces, sweeping his arms out dramatically, eliciting a giggle from Lilah.

He grinned in triumph at the small feat before continuing on.

"The girl's dormitories are up the left set of stairs whilst the boys are on the right. I would offer to walk you up but guys are incapable of walking up without sliding right back down," he began, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Once you walk up, your name should be on one of the doors along with your new roommates."

Lilah was aware of the process but for appearance's sake, she did her best to act as if she was retaining the information and committing it to memory.

"Left stairs, name on door." She repeated under her breath.

"Exactly," James replied, leaving Lilah confused at his ability to hear her.

James misinterpreted her confusion for nervousness and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder.

"You'll be fine, alright? The girls will no doubt love you and if it makes you feel better the guys and I can wait for you tomorrow morning? We can walk to breakfast together that way," He uttered reassuringly.

"Oi Prongs!" A sharp voice interjected.

Sirius quickly made his way towards his best friend and the girl they found earlier.

"Ah, Little Lupin, nice to see you again." Sirius grins down at her.

Little Lupin? Isn't that what Voldemort called her during their battle?

James shoots a look towards his mate, the question in his eyes not needing to be spoken aloud.

"She needed a nickname. Don't look at me like that, I thought it was cute!" Sirius answers.

Sirius turns his gaze to Lilah, asking, "What do you think about the new nickname, Little Lupin?"

A horrid taste fills her mouth as she hears her new nickname, praying to God that it won't stick.

"I don't actually really like it all that-"

"Nonsense," Sirius waves, "it's perfect! Now go have a shower and get to sleep, God knows you need it." He snickers jokingly.

An amused smile lifts her mouth, "Only because you're a dog doesn't mean you have to act like one." She winks to the bemused animagus.

She turns on her heels, marching towards the left hand stairs with James' laughter acting as her drum.

She turns around once more to face the two young men, quickly calling James' attention. "About breakfast, meet you here at 8?"

An excited grin spreads across his face at the prospect of learning more about the mysterious girl, "Of course, Love. See you then."

She allowed a small grin to also find itself a place upon her face before she turned back to her previous direction, anticipating the meeting of her new roommates.


Chapter Four yo!

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