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Pairings: Prinxiety and implied Logicality

Warning(s): Strong language, implications of violence, implications of blood, implications of death, and panic attacks

This is also on my tumblr because it's based on a post by 'logicallyasexual'. Also, the trigger warnings for blood, death, and violence are about fake depictions of these things. However, I wanted to put these warnings just to be safe.

Love y'all! Stay cute!
Roman had been stressed for a couple of days, and it was starting to drive Virgil up the wall.

Apparently, he had been picked to play one of the leading roles in a musical called 'Bitter Sweet', and was having a major freak-out about learning his songs and lines for it.

"I swear if you complain about 'the moronic director' one more time, I will throw you down the stairs."

Sighing heavily in exhaustion, Roman brushed his fingers through his hair. "Why did he choose this production?!"

With a nonchalant shrug, Virgil took another sip of his Mountain Dew, secretly hoping that Logan or Patton would arrive at his apartment soon. He was never that good at dealing with a stressed Roman. "Well, why not?"

"The male lead just," Roman flailed his arms around desperately as he tried to convey his feelings, "doesn't seem like a character I'd usually play. And he did promise me this role- Oh my God, he has it in for me! I knew it. What a bast-"

Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes. "Chill out, Princey. He doesn't have it in for you."

Sending a half-hearted glare in his direction, Roman folded his arms across his chest. "Then why would he choose this musical?"

What could Virgil say that would end this conversation?

"My guess is that he wanted to challenge you, since you usually act out your roles so well." He stated, taking another casual sip of his drink.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Roman's eyebrows furrow in befuddlement before settling into a more-or-less pleased expression. "That is likely... And thank you for thinking that I am an excellent actor!"

Raising an eyebrow in amusement, Virgil hummed in response. "Now, I never said 'excellent', Princey-"

"In my mind, you did."

"Whatever, loser."

Before Roman could protest at his insult, the door to Virgil's apartment opened and revealed two very drenched men. One with an only slightly strained smile, and the other with an expression that reminded Virgil of a wrinkly pug.

He chuckled at Logan's grumpiness and watched in secret fondness as Patton helped him hang his coat up on the rack, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. "It was just one sheet of paper, Lo."

Logan huffed out an angry sigh. "No. It was one sheet out of my rather lengthy paper, Patton. Twenty-eight parts exactly. And now I must sort through all of them to figure out which piece of it I lost."

Frowning sympathetically, Patton hummed and squeezed his shoulder again, mumbling a weak apology as he slipped off his shoes and joined Virgil on the sofa.

As he felt the cushions beside him dip slightly, Virgil began to wonder how Logan had lost a sheet of his work; he was always very careful with almost everything. How could he have lost something (seemingly) so important?

After a few seconds of irritated sighing, Logan turned to the silent man and rubbed the back of his neck. "Patton, it wasn't your fault-"

"If I had just watched where I was going then I would have seen the road and the car, and-"

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