Dear Happy

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Pairing(s): Logicality

Warnings: Anxieties about a failing relationship and slight panic (?)

Prompt: "I'm not even surprised anymore."
Morality had been working a lot for the past few days, and Logic felt as if he was being ignored. If he was going to be honest with himself, he may as well admit that he missed the joyful man.

Yes, it was normal for someone to miss the presence of their significant other, but it was getting ridiculous.

Logic had begun to panic, wondering whether Morality was avoiding him or not. Had he done something wrong?

Turning the corner to reach the kitchen, Logic saw that the object of his affections was standing in front of the kitchen counter, seemingly cutting up meat for dinner. A sense of overwhelming exuberance filled the knowledgeable man. In an attempt to keep his composure calm, Logic cleared his throat and offered the clearly exhausted trait a gentle smile. "Hello, Patton. Are you feeling well?"

"Hey there, I'm just tired. Don't worry."

Logic nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well, if you want to, you can stay with me to relax."

A nervous smile tugged at Morality's lips, and immediately, Logan knew the answer. Why would his boyfriend be avoiding him? "I'm not even surprised anymore."

Morality froze. "I'm not trying to avoid you, Logan. I love you."


Then he was gone.
Later that night, Morality hesitantly entered Logic's room and sat next to him on his bed. The man jumped as he felt the bed beside him dip, but then he simply sighed. "I'm sorry, Patton. I was wrong to accuse you of such things-"

"You're right. I am avoiding you, and I'm so sorry."

Logic glanced up at his boyfriend in concerned confusion. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

Shrugging loosely, Morality leaned on his shoulder sadly. "I'm scared, Logan. I don't know how to fully work in a relationship, and what if I'm not what you expect?"

"Anxiety is the one who is supposed to overthink everything, Patton. Not you."

At Logic's words, Morality breathed out a laugh. "Maybe, but I do it more than you think I do."

"Patton," Logic mumbled while taking Morality's face in his hands, "the only expectations I have of you is for you to be yourself, and to love me, which you do... right?"

Instantly, Morality nodded vigorously. Logic smiled and chuckled at the enthusiasm, brushing his thumb across the apples of his cheeks. "And I care deeply for you as well. Please, stop avoiding me. I will not push this relationship to go at a speed that you are not comfortable with."

"Thank you, Logan." Morality grinned his childish grin, yawning and stretching his arms. "Well, I'll have to go back to work in a little while, so let's not spend this time feeling wrong or sad!"

Extending his arms out towards Logic, the now bubbly man giggled. "Cuddles!"

How can one go from feeling frightened to excited in a matter of seconds?

"Of course." Logan rolled his eyes fondly as they rested on his bed, legs tangling together, and Morality laying against his chest.

They were quiet, only speaking every once in a while when something popped into their minds. This lasted for an hour or two, until Morality chewed on his bottom lip and squeezed Logic's middle before standing up. "I have to go, but I'll see you later, okay?"

Logic couldn't help the disappointed lump in his throat as he plastered on a smile and nodded. "Of course."

"I love you."

"And I, you."

As Morality left the room reluctantly, Logic felt the crushing weight of nothing press against his chest. This relationship was... not going well. And he had a feeling that Morality knew this just as well as he did.

Don't try to fight it...

He bit his bottom lip and felt the unfamiliar sting of tears at his lids. "He was only here for tonight..."

And I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again...

Funny, Logic felt as if this was a goodbye. He had only left the room, and the door was still open. Morality would be back, very soon. The real Morality. The Morality who obsessed over dogs, and the Morality who clung to Logic like he was he man's lifeline. He would creep into Logic's room again at 2AM asking for cuddles to protect him from make-believe monsters in his nightmares. They would 'hang out' and kiss, and stick together through the hard times, and they would become inseparable yet again. Just like before. And Logic would be waiting until that happened.

It never did happen.
Hi! Okay so that wasn't meant to be angst but oh well.

Love y'all! Stay cute!

Requested by SarcasticSnake

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