The Gift: Part Two

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Pairing(s): Unrequited Prinxiety and platonic Analogical

Warnings: Rejection and self-deprecation

Prompt: "I am not the one you want for this job."

Last Chapter:
A small flutter moved through Logic's chest as Morality smiled at him gently from across the room. But that flutter was being overwhelmed by that crushing sensation once again.

He chose to ignore it for now.
Hiding, waiting, trembling. Anxiety was underneath a mountain of blankets and pillows on his bed, desperately trying not to think about how Logic was probably going to check on him at some point. Probably soon, too.

Taking a deep breath, the dark trait shoved his face deeper into the wrinkled pillow he was embracing tightly. He knew that Logic would ask questions, him being such a curious person, but Anxiety wasn't sure whether he wanted to answer those questions.

A soothing scent of vanilla reached his nostrils, and he immediately realised that the pillow he was holding had been the one he had hit Prince with only a few hours prior. Although that royal pain was the source of all his problems, the smell eased some of the tension in his shoulders. No, the nerves were not gone, but the physical effect they had on his body were soothed slightly.

He sighed softly and relaxed into his nest of blankets. Why did he have to be so weak? Sure, he was fine with who he was, but he still thought that having such easily manipulated feelings was unfair.

How had it even happened?

Prince was the last person anyone would expect a negative embodiment such as Anxiety to have a crush on. And even the dark trait constantly pondered on how his feelings for the confident man had developed in the first place.

There were times where they would get along and where their arguing would be simple teasing, but most of the time, one of them would leave with steam pouring out of their ears. Or it would end with one, or both, of them in tears.

It wasn't healthy. Anxiety knew that, but he was still so drawn to him. Rolling his eyes, he turned so that he was on his back, staring at the ceiling with a bitter expression. That idiot must really have been a Prince Charming to win Anxiety over.

A knock. "Anxiety? May I enter?"

"... 'Suppose."

The door to his bedroom opened and he watched a very stoic Logic step inside quietly. When Anxiety felt the mattress dip beside him, he sighed heavily and sat up, only to be welcomed with an embrace.

This was very unlike Logic.

Clearing his throat, the darkly dressed man froze up in his fellow traits arms. "Logic? 'You alright?"

"I... I apologise."

Anxiety raised an eyebrow, but then realised that the knowledgable trait couldn't exactly see him. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

Shrugging stiffly, Logic pulled him closer. "I am sorry for how Prince treated you. It must hurt more considering your feelings for him."

"Logan, shut up."

As a result of his harsh words, Logic tightened his hold and nodded, mumbling an apology before tangling his hand in the darker traits hair.

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