Chapter 2

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Chapter 2;; Enjoy! Comment to let me know what you think... OH MY GOSH, June 10th I saw One Direction in concert. Theyre soooooo super hot. all of them. okay just thought i should share that experience with my readers.


As soon as we pulled up to the hotel I ripped the blankets off of Zayn and Harry. “Wake up lazy bones! We’re at the hotel and if you want to go back to sleep when you get inside you can!” I smiled while gently shaking them by their ankles. They both groaned and sat up.

“Wait, and you are?” Zayn asked tiredly.

“You don’t recognize me, Malik?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You look strangely like Liam.” He said rubbing the back of his neck and rustling his hair.

“Yeah,” I smiled largely. “I’m his twin, Lisa.”

“Nice to meet you, gorgeous.” He smiled. “Sorry my hair probably looks a mess.”

“You look perfect as always!” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed. “Go on into the hotel and get comfortable, mister!” I laughed.

“Do I get any sweet comments this afternoon?” I heard a throaty voice say behind me. I whipped around and my lips nearly brushed past Harry’s, I quickly took a few steps back.

“You stink, and you have extreme bed head, gorgeous!” I threw my hands up and smiled cutely at him. He returned his signature cheeky smile, showing off his dimples.

“Sassy, just like I like ‘em.” He smiled at winked at me. “What’d you say your name was again?”

“Lisa, you can call me Sierra, that’s what my close friends and family call me. Its my middle name.” I smiled and looked at him putting my name in his phone.

“And, uh. Contact?” he smiled innocently and handed me his phone.

“Only because we have to keep in touch” I said holding my excitement inside. I gave him is phone back and started walking into the hotel. I saw Liams’ eyes get big when Harry and I walked out of the bus and onto the road.

“What just happened?” Liam asked, turning to Louie.

“I’d have to say, Harry and Lisa there got acquainted.”

“Go on ahead and talk to Louis and Niall, Sierra. Harry and I have to talk about the new song!” Liam smiled and gestured toward the hotel.

“Wait, what song?” Harry asked confused.

“No song, Harry. I just want to tell you, Sierra is my sister, my twin sister. She easily falls for the attractive guys like you, she is a beautiful young girl and she deserves the best. All I’m saying is that if you two do talk more and do get ‘acquainted’ make it last worthwhile, and please I beg of you, do not break my sister’s heart. Because I’ll have to deal with you afterwards, okay mate!” Liam smiled and walked inside without a response from Harry.  

“Well, that was, odd.” Harry spoke to himself while walking inside, where Sierra was casually waiting for him.

“I thought I’d wait for you and show you to your room.” I smiled and started to walk towards the elevator, when Harry entered I hit the button for the 54th floor, the very top floor.

“So, I have to sleep in my big king sized bed all by myself the whole time we stay here.” Harry pouted his lip out.

“Nice try, even if I did want to sleep in the same bed as you for the whole summer its not like Liam would ever consider letting me.” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“We can all dream can’t we!” Harry smiled and looked directly into my deep blue eyes.

“Yeah, I guess.” I nearly whispered as our faces slowly inched towards each other. As our lips met for the first time, he gently placed his hand on my neck. Soon after we were interrupted by the beeping of the elevator alerting that we had arrived. I looked up at him in shock that I had just done what I had been dreaming of for half of the year.

“Thanks for showing me to my room.” He smiled and kissed me once more before I went back to the 52nd floor where my room was located along with a security guard for my safety which I never understood since I was nowhere near famous or even talented.

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