He Found Out

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"Brendon, I'm sorry!" Tyler apologized, chasing after his angry and disappointed boyfriend.

Brendon turned around, facing Tyler who was on the edge of tears. "Sorry for what? Cheating on me?"

"It was really late, I was drunk," Tyler tried reasoning.

"That's your excuse? I fucking knew it, Tyler. I knew it all along," Brendon almost yelled, throwing his hands up in disbelief, "It's Josh, isn't it?"

Tyler placed a hand on his own arm, rubbing up and down, staring at the hardwood floor beneath his feet, and refusing to answer.

"Was it someone else?" 

Tyler continued watching the ground, not letting anything come out. 

Brendon glared at the boy in front of him, letting out a sigh that showed he knew the answer.

"How did I know?" Brendon laughed sarcastically, not looking for an answer. "How long?"

"What?" Tyler questioned, looking up from the floor.

"How long has this," Brendon demanded, pointing at Tyler's hickies, "Been going on?" 

Tyler looked down at the floor again, trying to remember. It was too long for him to recall. 

"The entire time," Tyler mumbled incoherently, unable for anyone else to hear.

"What? I-I didn't hear you-"

"The entire time!" Tyler shouted, tears already streaming down his face.

Brendon shook his head in disappointment. "I can't believe you. Did you ever think about the feelings of someone else before you decided to go and feel up every guy in town?!"

"I didn't! I-It was just Josh. It felt felt right at the time-"

"Are you serious? What do you mean 'it felt right at the time'? We were dating for fuck's sake! Why don't you stop being a slut for five seconds and understand that?!"

Tyler gasped in offense. "Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm not a slut!"

"Oh yeah? We'll the hickies on your neck from not your boyfriend tells me otherwise," Brendon pointed out, continuing to walk to the front door, "By the way, I'll make sure to warn Josh about your lack of loyalty before he tries to get with you."

Tyler had nothing to say back. He stood there with tears flooding from his eyes, unable to comprehend what just happened. 

"I'll tell Josh to wear a condom,  wouldn't want him getting any diseases," Brendon smirked sarcastically, slamming the front door behind him.

Tyler collapsed to the floor, his head in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably. He couldn't blame anyone but himself at this point.

He looked up when he heard the front door open slowly.

"Hey, Ty, why did Brendon just flip me off tell me to use a condom?" Josh asked, looking outside as he walked in, not noticed Tyler on the floor before he turned around.

Once Josh saw him, he ran up to him, crouching down and holding him in his arms. 

"Woah, woah, what happened?" Josh questioned, thoroughly concerned, running his hand through the brunette's hair.

Tyler looked up at him with tear-stained cheeks, his lips coated with saliva, and his skin flushed. "He found out," Tyler said, weakly.

"Found out? Found out about what?"


Josh looked at him with wide eyes. "Oh, I-I'm so sorry-"

"Don't," Tyler interrupted, not wanting Josh to continue talking, thinking it only make him feel worse about the entire situation, "It's my fault."

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