Chp 19.1

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It's 5pm now. It's storming like crazy. We picked the perfect day. Me and CJ finish getting dressed and grab everything we need.

**(the masks are cut off around the eyes so they can see)**

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**(the masks are cut off around the eyes so they can see)**

Uncle Se Jun: "Have fun boys."

CJ: "Ha! You already know unc!"

I smirk and trace my finger along the blade of the sword. I nod my head and place it back into the sheath.

Me: "Let's go."

I'm ready. Me and CJ always swore to wreak vengeance on the man who murdered eomma. And all of those responsible in anyway. They're responsible for the death of both my parents. One down, one more to go. Dong're going to suffer in a way you've never suffered before. You'll cry, you'll beg for your life....or beg us to just end you quickly. But that won't stop us. That'll be music to our ears. I want you to feel everything up to your last breath. I want you to feel what eomma felt...except 5 times worse. I want you to feel pain that's worse than the pain I've felt all these years. Enjoy the last peaceful little breaths you have left, its game time, bitch.

Me and CJ leave the house and get in the car and pull off. It's already dark out and the thunder is picking up. Perfect. That'll be a perfect reason his power goes out.

Once we get closer, we turn off our headlights. We pull up to the back of his house and put our black masks and put them on, covering our faces. We get out the car and I hand CJ the big sword while I walk around to the side of the house. I notice the room light on. I walk back to CJ. He's listening for any noise in the house from his phone.

CJ: "The shower's runnin." I laugh.

Me: "He's really making this easier for us.." he laughs. "Alright hyung. Unlock the back door. I'll take care of the power."

While he goes to unlock the door, I hurry to the front of the house and grab a knife from my pocket.

Me: "Sorry everyone but this is business. Ha! Sike! Fuck y'all! Like I give a shit!" I quietly say to myself.

I aim and throw the knife. Ya boy still got it. The power cords are successfully cut in half, which caused a huge flash and some sparks. The whole block is blacked out.

Me: "Lights out. Bedtime everyone." I mumble to myself.

I quickly retrieve the the knife and quietly run back to the back of the house to meet CJ. We step inside and it's completely silent. Dark as fuck. We're using light from the lock screen on our phones but chose not to use the flashlight. That's too bright and could get us caught. we made it up the stairs and past the living room into the hallway. We can faintly here the shower still running. We take those 9 steps until we reach his bedroom. CJ grabs the gun with the silencer and I slowly open his room door. We use the light and peek in. Then we hear him cussing and getting frustrated because the power outage. Okay. He's still in the shower. We walk into the room and and CJ sits on the foot of the bed and just chills out there. I stand in front of the bedroom door. And we wait.

Shortly after, we hear him turn off the water in the shower. He comes out of the bathroom and steps into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He lights a cigarette, the lighter giving him just enough light to see CJ sitting on the foot of the bed. He jumps.

CJ: "Sup bitch."

Me: "That cigarette ain't the only thing that's gonna be lit. But first...." I grab his desk chair and push it out in front of him and take a seat. "Let's talk. Grown man talk."

Dong Ju: "Who the hell are you two?! How did you get in here?!?" He asks in a panic. CJ laughs.

CJ: "Haha relax man. We came here for business. That's all. Why are you in a panic? Is it because you're in the dark, all naked and vulnerable and shit?" He laughs again.

Dong Ju: "You shut the hell up!"

Me: "Park Dong Ju. 38 years old. Born March 7th 1979 at Severance Hospital. Died September 13th home."

CJ pokes his bottom lip out.

CJ: " died today.."


Me: "Not for long. These are your last moments. You murdered our mother....Lee Jinah. You think you're free now? Because you just got out? That jail time was just a little sample of justice."

He scoffs.

Dong Ju: "Aigoo...I only killed the bitch bec-"

That was all the fuck he had to say to make my blood boil. I snatched his ass from in front of me and threw his ass behind me on the bed. I'm glad CJ moved out of the way in time because I was so mad, I forgot he was sitting there. The moment Dong Ju landed on his bed, I stabbed him through the palm of his right hand. The knife going through his hand and the mattress. He's now stuck to the bed. He's screaming out uncontrollably.

CJ: "Now, you pussy....she was our mother. Let me hear one more 'bitch' come out of your mouth, I'll sew your lips shut. If you think I'm playin, try me."

He grabbed his phone with his left hand from beside him.

Dong Ju: "Do you know who I am?! Wait til Jong Min gets here! You're both dead!!!" He yells.

We just sit there laughing.

CJ: "Your boy is dead."

I laugh and take the phone from his hand and break it.

Me: "But don't worry. He left quickly. Barely felt a thing. You on the other'll feel every. Single. Thing. And it won't be quick. Kind of like how you did eomma. But we're going to up it just a bit."

Dong Ju: "Fuck you! Go to hell!!"

CJ: "Okay. But you'll be going there first. Then when we get there, you can teach us the ropes of things. Sounds fair, right?"

Me: "You know...not only are you responsible for eomma's're responsible for appa's death too. You took our family from us." I sigh. "For that, we could take yours away from you too...but we won't. We'll just take you away from them. We'll be doing them all a favor anyway." Dong Ju laughs.

Dong Ju: "Me? Responsible for Ye Jun's death? Haha did I tell his dumbass to pull the trigger and blow his brains out? Huh? If we're talking favors, he did himself a favor. Or he did me a favor. Because I was coming back to take care of him. Haha he made it eas-"

CJ pulled the knife from Dong Ju's hand and in the blink of an eye, Dong Ju was missing his right pinky finger. All that can be heard is hollering from Dong Ju's mouth. CJ sighs.

CJ: "Now...let's start over, shall we?"

Dong Ju nods his head in agreement.

CJ: "Pinky promise?" He starts dying of laughter.

Dong Ju just lays there looking pitiful, bleeding onto the bed sheets. This is actually quite fun, really. But it's only the beginning.

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