"Glory, it is you!" he yelled. Then, he went around the counter and up to me and gave me a hug. I was taken back, I don't know this guy, but he's giving me hugs.

"Umm do I know you?" I asked. He pulled away and looked at me.

"It's me, Steve" he said. I was confused, and I was showing it. "You don't remember me?" he wondered. I shook my head. "You know, you used to work here at the Dx with me and Sodapop, look here's your old uniform" he said, handing me a uniform. I looked at it, and it triggered something in my memory. I remember wearing this, and sitting at the cash register. I turned to the guy. I remember him with chocolete all around his mouth.

"Oh my god, I do remember, Steve, I've missed you"  exclaimed, giving him a big hug. "Where are the guys?" I asked, pulling away.

"They're at home, Sodapop and Dally are taking it mighty hard, well acually the whole gang is" he informed.

"Can we go see them?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm already done here" he responded. We went outside, and I led him to my car. On the way to the hoouse, he kept on talking about how tuff my car looked. Once we got there, he opened the door.

I was hiding right behind him. The whole gang was in the living room, except for Sodapop ofcoures.

"Hey guys, how are ya'll doin?" Steve asked. They all shrugged. "Lighten up guys, it'll be better today" he said.

"How? It hasn't been the same without her" Dally snapped. Wow, he really must be taking it bad.

"You want to see her again don't you?" he asked. Dally nodded. "Well, here she is" he said. Then, he moved aside to reveal me. The gang looked at me, and instantly recognized me. They hugged me tightly. Dally was the one to hug me the longest.

"I've missed you Dally" I confessed.

"Me too kid" he said.

"Where's Sodapop?" I asked.

"In the room you used to share with me" Ponyboy replied. I walked towards the room and slowly opened the door. Sodapop had is back to the door. I jumped on him, which startled him.

"Why so sad?" I asked. He turned and looked at me. He had a confused expression on his face. "What, don't you recognize your old kid sister?" I playfuly asked. His eyes widen and he hugged me tightly. I think he started crying too. "Are you okay Soda?" I asked. He nodded, then pulled away.

"I'm just glad you're back" he responded. I messed up his hair and smiled. Then, he took one good look at me. "Wow you've grown a lot more than when I last saw you" he said.

"Is that a good thing?" I wondered. He nodded.

"You look 16 and cute" he complimented.

"Well I am 16 and cute" I stated. He smiled. "C'mon, the gang is waiting for us in the living room" I said.

"Okay" he replied. He stood up and walked to the door, then turned around and looked at me.

"Well, c'mon let's go" he said. I held my arms out and smiled. He knew what that ment already. He picked me up and carried me in his arms all the way to the living room. Then he put me down.

"Wow guys, ya'll haven't changed a bit" I said.

"Yea well some of us kinda did" Steve responded.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Well, Dally has been getting in trouble with the fuzz alot more than usual, and Soda here hasn't been all that cheery" he explained.

"Well I hope that changes, cause now, I'm here to stay" I announced. They all cheered. I smiled. I've really missed the gang, you know before I forgot  about them. I looked around the house. It looks smaller than what I remember. I sat down next to Dally. He placed an arm around me.

"Dally, you better not flirt with my kid sister" Sodapop warned him. I laughed. I guess Soda is 17 now.

"Where have you been all this time?" Darry asked me.

"Home, my real home" I replied.

"How long have you been there?" Two-Bit wondered.

"Two years" I responded.

"How did it go?" Ponyboy asked.

"Pretty good, I've been really busy though" I stated.

"With what?" Johnny wondered.

"I work as a model now, and today, I was suposed to go to a different studio" I replied.

"Woa, that's cool" Dally said.

"Yea I guess, but I haven't gotten any time to myself you know" I responded.

"What about a boyfriend?" Steve asked.

"I uh... don't have one" I replied.

"You're joking right?" he asked. I shook my head. He stared at me in amazement.

"I know, I know, it's unbelieveable, but now that I'm not busy, I can have one" I stated. The guys laughed, which caused me to laugh. 

The outsiders (My story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum