to be someone's forever

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+Zayn (mature)

"I like that," I hum, massaging his tense shoulders. "Just relax, yeah? A wedding isn't supposed to give you anxiety."

"It has to be perfect," he knits his brows in concentration, pen flicking across the envelope. "Ugh," he blows a strand of hair out of his face and folds his arms over his chest. "It looks terrible."

"I know how to do calligraphy. Let me take care of the invites. Why don't you test taste cake flavors?"

He chuckles and I dip down to kiss the nape of his neck.

"In pretty sure I want German chocolate."

"Pretty sure?"

My fingers run through hid messy curls and he's out of the chair, dimpled smile on his face.

"Close enough Zayn."

"Where do you think you're going kitten," I catch the crook of his arm and pull him to my chest.

He's in a fit of giggles as I shower his face with kisses. I hoist him up and his legs wrap around my waist, arms looping around my neck. I'm blindly walking towards the bedroom, tripping over a shoe at the end of the bed.

We're laughing like this is all brand new. I'm more in love with Harry now than I've ever been, gazing down at his rose tinted cheeks and those crinkles at the corners of his eyes.

"Can we order a cake that tastes like you?"

I laugh and he pulls me down on top of him, our noses pressing together.

"That hardly makes sense. What part of me are we talking about? My lips, my skin, my di-"

He bites back a grin, hand muffling my laughter.

"German chocolate, whipped icing."

"Um...I don't think this is going to work out between us. I prefer buttercream and I just can't marry someone who likes-"

"You like me whipped," he grins cheekily.

"I'm about to whip your arse."

He squeals and ducks, trying to roll away but I have him pinned.

"We can compromise babe. Buttercream for the cake and whipped for the cupcakes."

"We're getting cupcakes? Zayyyyn!" his face lights up and he kisses me all over.

I chuckle as he pulls away, fingers carding through his curls.

"I specifically remember you saying cupcakes are the superior dessert. I've gotta get those cards written out."

"No," he whines. "That can wait. I'm more important. I am the importantest."

"That isn't even a word. You are most important."

He lets out a little huff and pouts so adorably I can't help but stay.

"Alright," I sigh. "Only because I love you."

"I sure hope so. We're getting married. You're stuck with me."

"You say it like it's a bad thing Mr. Malik."

His eyes glimmer, mouth upturning into a smile.

"How does it feel," I whisper softly, caressing his cheek. "To be someone's forever?"

I didn't mean to make him cry but Harry is a senstive creature.

"I'm sorry," I murmur into his hair.

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