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Clutching at the covers, gasping for air, my stomach heaving. Wheezing. It felt so real, skinny crooked fingers grabbing at me, hovering over my bed. Two shadows, dancing on the wall. Male voices, guttural. A deep growl and hands on my chest, in my hair, ripping my clothes off me. Me screaming at the top of my lungs and waking up to darkness. My nightlight went out. I go over to the outlet but it's shot. I swallow the lump in my throat.

It's just the dark Harry. You're such a baby. My bottom lip wobbles and tears prick at my eyes.

I check to make sure the window is locked tight and crawl back into bed. My heart is pounding. It's all I can hear. My blood pumping and the wind howling outside.

It's unsettling, the dark. Like something terrible can happen at any moment.

Nothing is going to snatch you. Monsters aren't real.

Except they are. They feed off fear and vulnerability. They love the sound of your broken voice and begs and they get off on your pain.


I'm stupid for grabbing my phone off the nightstand and dialing him. Three rings and I'm about to hang up when he picks up, his voice groggy.

"Harry? Are you alright babe?"

" nightlight," I sniffle. "It went out and it's really dark and I'm scared."

"Hey, it's okay. I'll come over, yeah? Hang tight."

I hear shuffling and then he reads off my address. Just a perk, him having an emergency file on all his patients.

"That's it," I say relieved.

"You live alone?"

"Its fine Zayn."

A shiver runs down my spine and the window rattles. It's just the wind. I keep muttering that under my breath. And I hear the rev of an engine outside, headlights flashing. Then darkness.

Two light knocks on the door but my body is frozen in place. I finally snap out of my trace and put my hand on the door knob.

"It's me Harry."


His voice disappearing in the wind. I open the door and he tries to smile but his teeth are chattering.

"Come in," I motion him inside and he rubs his arms, trying to warm up.

He falls onto the couch and I drape a blanket over him.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was so cold outside. Do you want some warm tea?"

He gently declines my offer.

"Harry," he plays with the tassels on the blanket. "Do you mind if I stay here? It's really late," he yawns and smiles sheepishly.

"Of course not. If you're tired you can go to bed. I'll just sleep out here."

"Nonsense," he waves off the proposition. "I came over here because you're scared. Don't give me that rubbish."

I scratch the back of my head and he sighs, standing up, letting the blanket fall to the floor.

"May I use the restroom?"

"Y-yeah, sure." I blush as he walks by, a cool gust of air hitting my skin.

He comes back shivering several minutes later in nothing but Calvin Klein underwear, his arms around his waist.

"You can borrow my clothes," I chuckle and go back into the bedroom. Rustle through some drawers and toss him an oversized shirt and sweatpants.

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