sleeping in

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"Zayn," I clutch onto his hand, squeeze my eyelids shut.

It gets better.

I try to convince myself but my heart is pounding out of my chest, sweat pooling at my forehead. I'm struggling to breathe, my chest tight.

He pulls me close, his arms wrapping around me.

My security blanket.

"You're feverish."

I want him to fix the ache; the emptiness inside. I can't get over this alone.

"I'll get you a glass of water, hold tight-"

"No," I croak, eyes wide in fear. "Don't leave me Zayn. Just stay here."

"Harry," he sighs heavily.

Harreh. Harreh. Harreh.

My lips find his in a mad frenzy, my body gently pressing to his and his arms loop around my neck loosely, his tongue diving into my mouth.

It's a temporary distraction, his gentle hands moving to card through my curls, his moans hitting the back of my mouth.

He pulls away, eyes wild, raven black hair tousled.

"You alright?"

I nod, my mind in a fog.

"M'not going anywhere. I want you to know that."

He strokes my cheek, my heavy lids closing. I melt into his familiar touch.

"You need some sleep babe."

I nod sheepishly, my head falling onto his chest.

"You're okay now. I'll never let anyone hurt you."

When we're snuggled up beneath my covers I believe it.

But when I close my eyes I'm met with worlds of hurt.

"Faggot, you can run but you can't hide!"

Running as fast as I can, my legs pounding against the coarse pavement, fists pumping.

Labored breathing, telling myself not to be a sissy.

Turn around and pop him right in the jaw.

I just can't. I'm terrified and I need Zayn. He's all I can think of.

My eyes fly open. Zayn is sound asleep but I can't seem to get any peace of mind.

I nuzzle deeper into the crook of his neck, his caramel skin warming me up.

Go to sleep. This is pathetic. I fight back tears, my eyes closing once more.

"Just fucking take it you piece of shit."

My heart is made of paper. Weak and crumpling; being ripped to shreds.

There's piss in my hair. I can feel bile working its way up my throat.

That isn't the worst part so I do as they say.

Shut up and take it. Submission is always the easiest. I can't fight it.

I wake up trashing about, gasping for air. My chest is so heavy it feels like someone is pressing me down. I'm suffocating and Zayn switches on the lamp on the beside table.

"Harry," he whispers. "I'm still here."

"You're still here," I repeat, tears streaking down my face.

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