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"A strike on your first bowl?" I'm in utter disbelief. "You can't be serious Harry!"

He laughs, doing a victory dance and I somehow manage a spare.

"You aren't so bad yourself."

The couple in the next lane freezes as they watch Harry get a turkey. What is he, a professional bowler?

"It's all about the release," he grins.

"Do you want nachos?"

"Yes," he says excitedly. "As much cheese as possible. If they make you pay extra so be it."

I chuckle and we take a break to wash our hands, eat some very cheesy nachos and share a strawberry banana milkshake.

"This is so good," he moans, adjusting his bendy straw. "You're honestly the best."

"Just because I bought you a milkshake," I act offended and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Yes Zayn, only because of the milkshake."

His tongue pokes out at me and I want to tackle him. I want to pin him to a bed and fuck him into the mattress.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You," I reply truthfully. "You're so damm cheeky."

"It's because you love it," he grins. "It makes me more irresistible."

I snort, stealing his straw.

"Unbelievable! I'm outraged, you can't just-"

My lips find his and we share a short rather sloppy kiss, aware this isn't the appropriate place to get carried away.

When we're done the game resumes and he continues kicking my ass, his right leg curling behind his left, toes planted on the floor as he lets go of the ball.

Somehow that makes a difference; the way you move your leg and swivel your hips.

"You weren't too shabby," he chuckles. "That's a damn good score if you ask me."

"Whatever, you had a crowd of fans."

He's so proud of his victory it warms my heart.

"There's somewhere I still want to take you. I don't know if you'll be into it but we have all night."

His hand slips into mine and we step into the darkness of night. It's frigid outside and I curse myself for only wearing my leather jacket. Harry tugs at his jumper, shivering. Luckily, he brought a puffy coat and it's in my passenger seat.

I crank up the heat and put on the defrost. There are flurries starting to form and his eyes sparkle as he releases a content sigh.

"It's so beautiful."

Harry is the most remarkable thing I've ever seen. The flakes of downy snow pale in comparison. His skin is smooth porcelain, the tip of his nose cherry red. He rubs his hands together, creating friction.

"I have a pair of gloves in the glove box."

"How fitting," he jokes. "Let's just stay like this for a moment, beneath the vast sky. Everything looks so immensely huge." He gazes out the window. "Think of how infinite the universe is and here on Earth we're just a fraction of it. I am the most insignificant thing-"

"You're my  universe."

There's something enchanting about him, he just draws you in. Harry Styles isn't like anyone else; he's uniquely different. When he feels something, truly feels it, he pours his whole heart into it. He has never been one to do something halfway or to not finish. Harry isn't a quitter. He'd never abandon a friend in need.

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