out of reach

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"Are you still cold babe?"

"Maybe a little," he blushes.

"At least all the snow melted. It's much warmer than it has been."

I start packing up but he's quick to help, his trembling hands collecting the pillows.

"Hey it's fine," I smile. "Just get in the car and I'll clean this up. If you get hypothermia I'll never forgive myself."

"Okay," he chuckles. "The wind is a bit chilly and I'm shirtless. This is my fault."

"You thought we were staying inside. Definitely my fault."

I'm not sure why we're throwing blame around but he rolls his eyes playfully and trots off to the car.

I pack up the trunk and get the car started, rubbing my hands together to create some friction.

The heat roars to life and I take a mental sigh of relief.

"Zayn," he says quietly. "You're the only person I've ever dated."

"That's a shame. People don't know what they're missing...music?"

"Sure," he smiles and the radio breaks the silence.

I groan as Stitches comes on.

"Don't disrespect Shawn Mendes. He's cute."

I gasp dramatically, clutch my hand over my chest. "Should I be jealous?"

"Maybe," he teases.

And somehow Harry sings along so perfectly I start to dig the beat; start to hum along.

Then again, Harry can sing anything and sound good. He's just gifted.

I want to lay in the backseat, pull him over the console and into my lap. Let his hair down, my fingers getting lost. Warm bodies and heated kisses, the windows fogging up.

Instead I put the car in drive.

"I've already said this several times but I had a really nice time. Everything was planned out so beautifully Zayn. Mishaps happen. Do you think I'm going to forget smelling like pink lemonade?"

I laugh lightly.

Maybe he's right. It's the imperfections we should cherish more. The silly moments that embed themselves in our hearts, that we tuck away in our memories.

"This is going to sound crazy," he reaches to turn down the volume. "Being raped was terrifying...it made me close myself off, made me forget how to see the good in people but it taught me a lot of lessons too. It also helped me come to terms with my sexuality. I don't know if that makes any sense," he shakes his head. "My stutter got so much worse afterwards."

He's blinking back tears and I'm dying on the inside, trying to keep my conposure.

"But it brought me to you and that's a blessing. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

I'm glad we're close becsuse my vision is blurring and I can't hold back any longer.

My hands want to touch his so badly. I'm aching.


Wet ringlets, droplets of water cascading down his skin. Pink flushed cheeks and a beaming smile.

"I'm kind of obsessed with your shampoo. I didn't know you liked coconut."

Moonlight filtering through the curtains. Curls spilling over his forehead.

S-s-stutter [Zarry]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant