strange ways

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His smile is dazzling and so is the ring on my finger, glimmering under the pale moonlight.

"I can't believe this," I mutter in awe. "This is really happening."

He chuckles, arms wrapping around me. "Tell me why you came here babe."

"Something about being alone felt nice. This was always an escape. I knew they'd never search for me here. At one point in time it was the only place I felt safe...but now I have you," I smile timidly, fumbling with my hands. "When I'm with you nothing else matters."

"I'll never let anyone hurt you Harry."

His finger moves a curl out of my face, lips pecking my cheek.

"You're my best friend Zayn. Without you I honestly don't-"

The words get caught in my throat, warm tears pricking at my eyes.

"I wouldn't still be here. There were so many times I thought the agony would consume me, the constant fear, the paranoia, the nightmares. I'd feel so worthless I convinced myself nobody would care if I killed myself but now I can see that isn't true."

His breath is hot as it fans across my neck, arms around my waist.

"It's bloody cold. We should get going."

For once I'm not afraid of being in the dark, wind whistling through the trees. Our fingers are laced, his slender and tan, mine large and pale.

He looks so angelic, jet black hair perfectly framing his face. Cheekbones so sharp they could slice me into bits, eyelashes long and curled. He blinks, eyes soft like warm amber and honey. There's a little freckle in his eye and the gentle slope of his nose. The perfect hook and sweep of his smile. Thin waist and strong abs.

Out of all the things I could possibly say I settle on "you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. I am so lucky."

"That's you," he replies playfully, finger poking the tip of my nose.

"Not true," my cheeks redden.

Cherry red as always. Embarrassing but there's nothing I can do.

"I think I should show you just how beautiful I think you are."

He sends me a smirk and I only blush harder, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

When he reach his car I realize my body is nearly numb. A deep shiver runs through me and he blasts the heat, defrosting the windshield.

"Wasn't my greatest idea. I'll make some warm tea when we get home."

"Hot chocolate," I order firmly.

"Okay," he laughs. "Anything for my fiance."

"Oh my gosh," I squeal excitedly.

Everything is like a dream, him scooping me up into his arms, carrying his place bridal style, peppering my face with kisses. When he sets me down the kissing doesn't stop, the heat and passion of the moment warming me up instantly, fire roaring inside of me; flames licking.

"Onto that cocoa," he grins.

He's sure to give me whipped cream and extra marshmallows.

"Our first date," he sighs. "You wanted more whipped cream."

"You remember that?"

"It was unforgettable," he licks his way into my mouth, tongue sweet.

He pulls away, thumbs pressed to my cheeks.

"Did you always know we'd end up together? You were always friendly and wanted me to open up but when did you know?"

His lip furls in concentration, eyes closing as he thinks it through.

"I never pitied you. It was your strength I was attracted to first, even if that doesn't sound romantic. Of course I found you physically attractive but the heart and determination you have made me soft. Our first kiss-" he trails off, biting his lower lip. "Everything felt right, the timing, the passion, the way you looked at me, struck with fear...I knew I had to touch you; feel you. I wanted to make you feel better. You deserve thag much."

"It changed everything. Oddly enough it was exactly what I needed and I never knew it. I needed the companionship."

He sets down his mug, arms stretching open wide and I know what to do, nuzzling against him.

My hand clutches to a blanket and I pull it up around us, the two of us snuggling up next to the fireplace.

Zayn is cuddly and warm, so much so I feel myself melting.

"You told Ed you'd be interested in performing," he ruffles my hair. "Tomorrow night right?"

"Yeah," I exhale shakily. "I actually feel ready. Besides we have some news to break."

"Sure do," he chuckles. "How should we go about that?"

"Well...I have an idea but I don't want to spoil it."

He groans dramatically so I kiss his forehead, giving him reassurance.

It's so peaceful, the sound of his heartbeat and the crackle of the fireplace the only sounds filling the room.

"You should sing for me."

"Too tired," I yawn.

He kisses along my jaw and I giggle, his lips tickling me.

"Finish your cocoa and we'll go to bed."

I'm obedient, sipping slowly, admiring my husband to be. He doesn't seem to mind. Zayn always takes things slow. We're never rushed, never hurried, never sloppy.

"Thank you for today. It was indescriblable. I wouldn't trade what we have for the world."

My body collapses next to him, sinking into the mattress.

"I love you Harry. Too much to ever put into words."

I'm happily the little spoon, cheek pressing to the pillow. My words are muffled but still audible.

"I love you too Zayn."

"Do you know what's truly astounding?"

His eyes twinkle, fingers carding through my thick curls.

"That something so cruel led us to this. Like...there's good to be found everywhere; light in the darkness. That gives me hope. I just know no matter what life throws our way we'll be okay."

I wipe away fresh tears, my heart settling in my chest. There were days I didn't want to get out of bed, the thought of the outside world filled me with fear and anxiety. Sometimes I wanted to just give up. Put a gun to my head and end it all.

There's nothing pleasant about my situation. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy but then again I would have never met Zayn.

"I completely understand that. God works in strange ways."

"That he does," he sighs and kisses the top of my head. "That he does."

A/N: sappy

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