giggles and 80s music

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"He's a natural up there," Ed grins at me, taking another sip of his beer.

Harry flashes a signature dimpled smile, feet tapping as he pours his heart out, fingers strumming his pain.

Everyone is just as entraced as me, the chatter dying down. The room is perfectly still and he isn't nervous a bit. He's in his element, curls bouncing and hips swiveling as he feels the music.

For a moment I forget I'm in a bar. It seems so intimate; like we're in a small space, just the two of us.

He glances at me for a fleeting second, sending a wink. People cheer at that and my fiery ginger friend elbows my side.

"Best performer I've had in years," he sighs. "Truly amazing. Who knew...the boy with a stutter."

"The boy with a stutter," I echo, heart warm.

I'm so proud of how far he's come. He's been through so damn much but here he is, on a stage singing to strangers.

When he first came in he was so bitter. Not that I blame him. He never asked for pity. Honestly, he never asked for much of anything.

He was still, hands folded in his lap, gaze distant. For weeks he never uttered a word, just listened to me talk about failed relationships and embarrassing stories. Silly mishaps. I spilled secrets in that room. He took naps on the couch and then one day it all changed.

Call it a miracle but that day everything changed.

I don't have a family. I don't have any pets. It's just me.

When Harry opened up to me all the emotions I had been holding in for years flooded out of me.

It felt so damn good getting everything off my chest. He was understanding and compassionate. All around, Harry is a kind soul.

He never fails to make me laugh. Everyone needs a Harry, someone who brightens your day. Someone you would capture the moon for.

Harry is giggles and 80s music and sunny days in the park. He's fields of flowers and a old used book store. He's a quaint coffee shop and the soft patter of rain.

There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep that smile on his face, to snatch it and store it in a box.

It's tucked in my heart. Every single piece of him stored in my memory.

So when everyone cheers and he gets a standing ovation I can't help but to cry. When he's all spent he walks off the stage, clutching onto his guitar case.

"Hi," he smiles, pecking my lips.

There's a sheen of sweat on his hairline from the intense stage lights. It's hotter than hell up there so I get him a glass of water. He gulps it down gratefully, head falling onto his shoulder.

"Do you want to go home babe?"

He shakes his head and sets down his case.

"I haven't had a drink in forever. You'll watch me right? Cut me off at four."

I chuckle turning to the bartender. "One gin and tonic and an old fashioned for this one." I rub Harry's back and the man praises him for his performance.

"I'll definitely keep an eye on you. Gravity will not defeat you tonight."

He laughs softly, taking a sip of his drink.


"Very," he licks his lips. I figured something sweeter, with a hint of citrus would fit him.

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