Chapter 16: Decision

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You jogged down off the stage, exchanging compliments and high fives with the other band members, your heart still bubbling with happiness. The concert was a success, it had gone brilliantly, and every fibre of your being felt energised.

As you made your way behind the stage and toward the preparation room, you saw some of the BTS members coming from the other direction, dabbing the sweat off their brows and necks and gulping down water to rehydrate.

"Hey!" Hoseok shouted, grinning widely and coming careening at you.

"Hobi!" You called, as he threw his arms around you, lifting you up off the ground and spinning around, making you squeal gleefully.

"Oh my god that - that was amazing! You guys did so well!" You said breathlessly as he put you back down, beaming as the other hyung line members came into the corridor.

"Well we couldn't have done it without you, right?" Yoongi smiled, patting you on the back. "The band sounded incredible."

"Ah, but she wouldn't have had the chance if it weren't for my skills of persuasion," Namjoon joked, giving your shoulders a squeeze.

Given how amazing you felt right now, you were beyond glad that he had put your name forward as the replacement guitarist.

The three moved into the prep room, anxious to get their make up and stage outfits off. As you went in behind them, you saw Jin next as he was thanking one of the venue managers for their help. You smiled at his ever gracious nature.

"Y/N! I bet you're feeling good after that!" He smiled, giving you a brief friendly hug.

"I am! And you did so well, you looked like you were having a lot of fun," you smiled. "You really shone out there."

He blinked at your compliment, but hid his surprise with thanks. Jin's talent was often overlooked, so you tried to give him the support he deserved when you could.

"Oh, well thank you! I'm really glad you were able to be part of it." He smiled, before being called over by one of the stylists.

Finally, the maknae line appeared, barrelling into the prep room and scooping you into a group hug. Your laughs mixed together as you gave them all praise for their performances, and humbly accepted their own compliments for you.

You were energised, excited - happy.


You walked into your apartment and threw your keys on the small table by the door, stretching your achey back and falling onto the sofa with a satisfied sigh.

You glanced at your phone, smiling at a text from your closest work friend Se-Eun, who was asking for advice on choosing her outfit for tomorrow night. The event in question was a company party, to celebrate both the end of promotions for the latest BTS album, and for the CEO's birthday. All staff were invited, and the members would be there too. You were certainly going to go.

Resting one arm on your forehead, you looked up at the ceiling, a slight smile on your lips, lost in thought.

The night had been an incredible experience for you, and made your dream of being a professional musician and producer seem that more achievable. But it wasn't just that which made you happy. Something within you felt different - but good different. You were taking a step forward, and finally putting to rest what had been on your mind for months now.

You had been noticing things for a while now; and that night, during the concert as you played diligently in the background and looked out at the members on stage performing their hearts out, things had sort of clicked.

You knew now.
You were no longer stuck in the middle of Taehyung and Jungkook.
Only one of them truly had your heart.

It was him. You realised it had always been him.

The one you hadn't been able to look away from the whole time he was performing that night.
The one you couldn't wait to see at the party the next day.
The one who made your heart bubble over at the thought of him.

The one you couldn't hide your feelings for anymore.


So. Who will it be? The choice is yours.

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