Chapter 3: Confusion

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A little while later, shooting had almost begun. The individual filming was first, with Jin starting things off as the eldest hyung. You were in the backstage preparation room, taking a break by the water cooler. BTS were all there too; The maknaes were lounging around on the two sofas at one corner of the room, Namjoon and Hoseok were having their hair styled, and Yoongi was napping.

"Hey, Y/N!"

You heard a hushed call, and saw Jimin and Jungkook beckoning you over. Surprised, you made a gesture to your chest to ask "Me?", to which they nodded enthusiastically. You went over to them, nervous.

"Is everything alright, uh, Sir?" You asked awkwardly, standing beside the two sofas which faced each other. Jimin lay across one of them, and Jungkook sat cross-legged on one side of the other, his back against the arm rest. V was on his phone nearby in one of the styling chairs, but he made no visible reaction to your appearance.

"Yes! Come and sit down," Jungkook smiled, pointing at the space by him.

Somewhat hesitantly, you obliged, carefully sitting on the sofa.

"Don't worry, you can be more comfortable around us! You're younger than most of the other staff, so we're close in age. We just wanted to play around," Jimin laughed, propping his head up on one arm cutely.

Relieved to have such a warm reception, you took a deep breath and tried to relax. "Thank you! I'll do my best." You replied, trying not to seem too stiff or nervous.

"We were thinking, since you probably know a lot about us already, can you tell us something about yourself?" The younger of the two asked cheerfully.

You blushed slightly at being suddenly put on the spot, but their friendly smiles put you a little more at ease.

"Ah that's right, it's only fair!" Hoseok said, coming over to join you, shooting you his charming grin as he moved Jimin's legs to make room and sat down.

As you were about to speak, you saw V out of the corner of your eye. He was looking right at you, his face unreadable. Something about his expression gave you a bad feeling, as if you were doing something wrong. Was he still annoyed about last night?

You forced yourself to ignore him.

Clearing your throat, you gave a brief rundown of your background and family situation. "...truthfully my dream is to be a music producer, I sort of came into this job by chance."

"Ah, I see... Well, as long as you're working here, we'll look after you!" Jungkook smiled.

"Exactly, if you need help you can ask us! ..Though maybe not Jimin, he'll probably just get you into trouble, I'm more trustworthy." Hoseok joked, making everyone laugh as Jimin playfully hit him. You felt truly touched to be so welcomed. Never had you expected you'd be laughing and chatting with the boys like this.

Jungkook pointed at Jimin as though he'd just remembered something. "Hey, don't you remember that time when-"

"Ya..." Suddenly V interrupted the conversation, bringing your attention to him. He stood up with an obvious disgruntled sigh, his head back in exasperation. "You're being quite noisy, you know."

The laughter was cut short, and the smile faded rapidly from your face. His voice had the same coldness and foreboding as when he'd caught you in the music room.

"Hyung..." Jungkook said quietly, frowning at V in confusion.

"Besides, don't you think this is a bit much?" Now V looked you straight in the eye, his gaze cutting into you, making your heart beat fast. "She just works here."

And with that, he walked away and out of the room, leaving an awkward silence heavy over the group.

"Um," Jimin sat up as if to move, but seemed just as unsure as the rest of you.

"..Ah, what's up with him? Don't worry, Y/N, you haven't done anything wrong." Hoseok tried to lighten the mood, but couldn't alleviate your embarrassment.

Not making eye contact with any of them, you stood and gave a small bow. There wasn't really anything you could say, so you just managed the words "excuse me" before making a swift exit.

Your chest felt tight, your cheeks were flushed and your head swirled with humiliation and anger - you wanted to find somewhere to be alone. Leaving the room, you followed one of the white corridors of backstage, turning off into a small alcove that had a door to a storage cupboard. Here you were hidden, and leant your shoulder against the wall, tears welling up behind your eyes.

Before you could calm down and think straight, you jumped as you felt a hand on your arm, and a voice spoke your name quietly.

Turning to see who was there, your eyes widened in surprise.



Alright, things have gotten a little tense! Why did V act that way? And why did Kookie follow you?

STUCK IN THE MIDDLE (BTS FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ