Chapter 15: Opportunity

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Your heart refused to settle, a constant nervousness weighing dimly on your chest. You sat in the backstage room, resting your forearms on your knees, your eyes looking at the ground but unfocused. The past 24 hours had been a blur, and before you knew it, here you were, minutes to go, suddenly starting to feel the pressure...

It had all started the previous evening, in the last few hours of rehearsals for the BTS special concert. Things were going smoothly until one of the band’s guitarists had to leave suddenly, after receiving a call that his heavily pregnant wife had been involved in some kind of serious incident.

The managers had tried frantically to find other options until, to your disbelief, your own name was suggested. Swept up at the prospect of such an amazing opportunity, you were trying to convince them of it too – after all, you had years of experience playing guitar in different bands, and had studied different styles. Finally, when Namjoon stepped forward and pointed out that you had been present throughout the rehearsals, and thus knew the format of all the songs and the remixes, the managers came to the decision to give you a chance.

Before you knew it, you were showing the band some of your skills, and they agreed to work you into the performance, essentially saving the concert.

A concert for internationally famous idols, who you not only admired as professionals, but cared for as friends.

Your own words of confidence from yesterday echoed in your mind:
"I know my own skills. I'm not saying it will be a breeze, but I know I can do this."

You had been so confident, eager at the prospect of being a part of the performance. Now, with just minutes until you'd need to be on stage, a part of you wondered if it had been a mistake.

“Y/N! How are you feeling?” The familiar voice of Jungkook brought you back to reality, as he jogged over and settled into the chair next to you. “You look tired.”

Truthfully you were running on three hours restless sleep. You had to stay late after rehearsals, along with the band, to make sure your part in all the songs was secure, and even when you got home at 2am, you stayed up longer to go over your solos and riffs one more time, perfecting everything.

“Ah I’m fine,” you smiled at the maknae. “A little tired but mainly just really excited! And nervous as hell, of course.” You laughed.

“I understand, but you shouldn’t worry – you sounded awesome in rehearsals yesterday! You’re a professional.” He said, nodding to himself.

“Says the actual professional who debuted five years ago, and is younger than me,” you pouted. “It’s gonna be *your* fans out there.. If I mess anything up-”

Jungkook cut off your words, pressing his index finger over your lips, making you raise your eyebrows and swallow nervously.

“You won’t mess up.” He said simply.
He removed his finger as suddenly as he had raised it, leaving you smiling in amusement at his sincerity.

Just as you were about to respond, the backstage manager called for all the band members to get ready to take their positions. You and the other musicians would need to get ready on stage before BTS made their entrance.

You stood up immediately, checking yourself one last time in the mirror. You felt proud to be wearing an official BTS T-Shirt under your favourite leather jacket.

“Thanks Kookie, I’ll do my best! See you out there, I guess,” you said, your mouth half grin, half grimace.

“You’ll be awesome,” he smiled, standing for a moment, then bringing you into a hug.

You closed your eyes, breathing in his scent as the two of you lingered like that for a moment, before breaking apart.

You made your way over to the rest of the band, as all the BTS members gathered around too. Namjoon lead, placing his hand in the middle of the circle, and everyone followed suit.

“Bangtan Bangtan,”

“Bang Bangtan!” You shouted along, the butterflies in your stomach growing more incessant.

As the you and the musicians split away from BTS the members called a few last well wishes, Hoseok giving you a reassuring shake of the shoulders. Lastly, V took you by surprise, throwing his arms around your chest in a back hug.

“Good luck!” He said in a sing-song voice, clearly in high spirits. “Y/N fighting!”

As he released you, you stumbled slightly, undeniably flustered. “Th- thank you, Tae,” you laughed. “Good luck to you, too!”

And then you were following the other band members around the back before stepping up onto the stage, hidden in the pitch black as the lights were off, taking your seat, and slinging your guitar over your neck.

You made one last check: Sheets of music and notes, water, spare picks, tuner - you had everything. The levels on your amp and the pedals were just as you had left them after sound check.

Turning to the other band members, you returned their looks, holding up a thumbs up.

Then, with a deep breath, you finally looked out at the crowd. The rolling cheers, the ocean of lights, the palpable energy that sent a current through you. You drank in the atmosphere. It wasn't your show, but you were a vital part.

Your heart thudded, but you weren't scared. Your lips curved into a smile. The feeling of being back on a stage, with your favourite instrument in your arms - you felt more energised than you'd ever been before.

This was going to be awesome.


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