Chapter 6: Rising Tensions

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One day in the early evening you were leaving the office and headed toward the BTS practice room, carrying some papers. Your manager had sent you to deliver them to the choreo teacher. After that, you could call it a day.

Your unfriendly manager rarely dismissed you before he himself had finished working. You suspected your hard work and effort were paying off, to the point that he may actually be starting to like you.

Grinning smugly at this thought, you walked the fairly short distance to the building that housed the BTS practice room. Jogging lightly down the stairs, you came to a halt at the door, but stopped just as you were about to knock, hearing music on the other side. Listening for a moment, you realised it wasn't just music, but the sound of a piano being played.

You opened the door slowly, peering into the room. An electric piano stood in the corner of the practice room, at which Yoongi was sitting. As he played, the other members where gathered around, with Hoseok and Namjoon sitting by the wall watching the main attraction in the centre, which your eyes were fixed on too. Jungkook was running through the moves of a dance to match the piano, gliding gracefully across the floor and executing each move with precision and fluidity.

You slipped into the room, standing close to the door as you shut it quietly, not taking your eyes off Jungkook. He really was a very skilled dancer. His physical strength was understated but impressive, and he had a lightness to his steps. You smiled, seeing how focused his face looked as he danced, even in such a casual environment.

But before you could enjoy the moment for long, Hoseok spotted you. Seeing his hyung's reaction, Jungkook looked over and noticed you were there, causing him to stumble and almost fall, bringing the performance to a rather abrupt end. Naturally, the rest of the members couldn't help but laugh, while Yoongi protested that his playing was interrupted.

"Y/N!" Jungkook said, smiling in embarrassment. "You made me jump," he laughed, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt," you said, walking over to the boys.

"It's okay, we're not really working. Are you delivering something?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, I just need to make sure the choreo teacher gets these." You answered, holding up the papers.

"Ah, he should be back soon! We were just playing with this new electric piano." Jin said.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw V. You glanced at him very briefly to see that he was staring vacantly at he floor.

You nodded, "alright, I'll give them to him when he comes back. ..Uh, I'll go wait outside-"

"Wait, wait!" Jimin called just as you were about to turn and leave. "Y/N, didn't you play the piano since you were really young?"

As the members ooh-ed excitedly at this piece of news, you blushed, suddenly nervous. You held up a hand as if to protect yourself.

"Umm, I suppose so but I really don't-"

"Play us something! You have to!" Hoseok lept up in enthusiasm, his energy infecting the others too.

Before you knew it, after some persistent demanding and physical dragging, you found yourself putting down your papers on the top of the piano and sitting in the seat. Your heart was racing, and your hands felt slightly clammy, but you reminded yourself not to doubt your own skills - after all, you practiced every night on a keyboard in your bedroom. Now wasn't the time to be nervous, but to show off!

"Okay, okay! I'll play something... How about a song I wrote recently?"

You closed your eyes for a moment, becoming more focused, and the boys quieted down, waiting.

Once you were ready, you lifted your hands to the piano, and begun to play your most recent composition. This was your world. It didn't matter who was watching. You entered a state of focused bliss, your hands gliding across the keys. Never rushed, though - emotion was the most important thing to you in music. You felt every surge in the notes, flowing into the technical flourishes and enjoying every pause.

As the piece came to an end, you lingered on the last notes, letting them ring out. After a moment, BTS reacted with cheers and applause, showering you with compliments. Grinning uncontrollably, you thanked them for their kindness, shaking your head in humility but enjoying the attention nevertheless.

"Yah I really thought it was amazing! Y/N, can you just play the last part again? It was so nice," Jungkook asked eagerly, as the others nodded in agreement.

Though reluctant at first, once again you gave in to their requests, finding yourself less nervous now, smiling happily. You took a breath, but just as you raised your hands to the piano again-

"Stop, now."

Suddenly V was standing just to your right. He put his hand under your wrist, pushing it away from the piano. Feeling the familiar sinking sensation in your gut, you froze. He was frowning, his face ever unreadable, his eyes avoiding yours. The other members had fallen silent too, shocked. Just like that the atmosphere was shattered.

V spoke again, "we were meant to move this to the side room anyway, so let just-"

"Don't touch her."

You spun your head to your left to see Jungkook standing close to you, his face bearing an intense expression you'd never seen on him before. He'd spoken with a quiet fierceness, and his gaze didn't waver, staring directly at V.

Interrupted, V turned his head slowly to look back at Jungkook, an angry spark in his eyes.

"What did you say?"

'...Oh god.'


Jungkook has finally snapped at V! What will happen now, in front of everyone?

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