Chapter 10: Apologies

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The next day was a TV event that BTS was appearing in. You worked backstage as always, but managed to avoid the members throughout, keeping busy elsewhere. You had no idea how the confrontation between V and Jungkook had affected them, and your heart flitted constantly between guilt, embarrassment and paranoia. Would any of them even want to talk to you anymore?

Still, you weren't about to give up. You had a plan to try and make amends, you just needed the right opportunity. Later in the evening, back at the BigHit building, your chance came.

As you walked towards your manager's office to put the end of day notices on his desk, you heard the familiar sound of J-Hope's laughter nearby. It came from the music production suites. You leant around the corner of the corridor to see Hoseok in the doorway of the BTS music room; it looked as though he was about to leave. He paused, in conversation with those in the room, who you identified as Namjoon and Yoongi thanks to their distinctive voices.

"I told you! Anyway, just work on it till I'm back," Hoseok waved goodbye and shut the door behind him, pulling on his jacket.

As he began down the corridor, he spotted you.

"Hey, you're alive at least! Good to see you, Y/N," he smiled, walking over to you.

"Hey, how are things?" You smiled.

You were relived to see he was acting normally, and doubly relieved it was just him who had come out of the room. Though you hadn't known him that long, Hoseok was like a brotherly figure to you, and you got on well. (You were also still slightly intimidated by Yoongi, since the first time you spoke to him was an incident where you accidentally woke him from a nap.)

"Good! We were just working on something," he gestured back to the room. "But I'm going to get us donuts," he grinned.

"Donuts?" You asked.

"Well I kept mentioning that I was craving some, so eventually the others wanted them too. That was my plan," he winked cheesily, making you laugh. "Wanna come? There's a shop not far from here."

"Ah, no I would like to but I need to finish up here for the day. ..Actually, I was hoping to ask a favour from you," you explained, taking out the envelope you'd been carrying all day.

Inside the envelope was a letter to the members that you had written the night before. It was, in short, an apology. It felt a little awkward, but seemed the best way to be polite and face up to what had happened - plus, you trusted your writing over trying to speak to them all.

"I need to apologise to all the members for what happened. I've been worrying so much, and didn't know how else to try and fix things.. So, would you take care of this for me?" You said sheepishly, holding out the envelope to him.

Hoseok took it, looking at you with a kind of thoughtful smile. "If that's what you want, of course, I'll make sure we all read it."

"Thank you, Hoseok-sshi," you said, still feeling a little nervous and awkward about the whole thing.

"Ya, what's that? And, just call me oppa. Not because it like a couple thing but I like having you as my little sister!" He joked, nudging your arm playfully. "-Don't tell my noona I said that though."

You laughed at his light-heartedness, thankful for his humorous spirit at a time like this. "Okay, oppa. I'll see you around?"

"Of course! Now, several delicious donuts are calling my name. Bye, Y/N!" He said, and headed up stairs with a cheerful wave.


Due to the nature of your work, you didn't have regular weekends off, but a more random smattering of break days. The next two days happened to be time off for you, but you almost wished they weren't, as a distraction would be welcome.

On the evening of the second day off, you were sitting at your trusty keyboard in your small apartment, working on a new song. The sound of your phone buzzing interrupted you, but when you saw the name on the screen, your heart reacted with a flutter, and you jumped up from your chair for no good reason.

Opening the text from Jungkook, you saw some of the friendly messages you had exchanged before, but your eyes focused on the one he had just sent.

"Hey, Y/N. I was hoping we could talk, are you free at the moment? I'll tell you where to meet me."

You hesitated for a moment, wondering how to reply. Ignoring your racing heart, you sent a message back saying you were free, before hurrying to get changed and put on at least a little makeup.

A hundred thoughts went through your head - was he angry?
What did they all think of your letter?
Were things okay between him and V?
You had spent the days away from work trying not to think about BTS reading your letter, but it seemed you'd have to deal with things sooner than expected.

'Please don't mess this up...'


So, what are Jungkook's intentions? How will talking to him go?

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