Chapter 13: All is Well(?)

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You loved walking at night. Everything was so still and quiet away from the city centre, even your footsteps sounded different. V walked by your side through the neighbourhood, seeming almost to glow in the warm orange street lights. Your voices echoed down the empty streets, the only other noise was that of an occasional car a few roads away, and summer insects gathering by lamps.

The two of you chatted comfortably for a while, the buzz from the evening remaining, but weariness beginning to draw an occasional yawn.

"This is me," you said, coming to a stop near the entrance to your apartment building. "I live on the top floor."

The block was only three stories high since buildings in the area couldn't be too big. It looked quite squat, and the plain grey brick exterior showed the wear of poor maintenance and age.

"Ah looks nice, it must have a good view!" V replied.

"Are you kidding? It's a bit of a dump really," you laughed. "Thank you for walking me home, Tae. It's.. honestly it's really nice to get to know you properly, and have everything behind us. Tonight was lovely." You said sincerely.

You felt a little shy, but it needed to be said.

V smiled. "I'm glad. And what's even nicer is seeing you finally relaxing a little! You used to always have this worried look on your face," he teased.

"Oh! Well I wonder why!" You said sarcastically, playfully giving his arm a light punch.

"I know, I know!" He laughed. "And you're right, too, it's.. good to actually know you properly. I see why the other members liked you so much." He spoke a little slower, looking at you thoughtfully. "I should have given you a chance. You're.. A very pleasant surprise."

He held eye contact for a very long moment, bringing a flurry of butterflies to your stomach. You felt the cool night air gently sway your hair. In the silence V took a gentle step closer, slowly lowering his head down towards you. Was he going to..? You were frozen, your hands clutched tightly and your back stiff. The intensity of his eyes and the closeness set your heart racing, and your right foot shifted back an inch instinctively, almost to maintain your balance.

As he moved in till his face was no more than an inch from yours, you saw his eyes flit briefly to your lips, and your own eyes couldn't help but shut slowly..

After a long moment you felt him move slightly, and he gently planted his soft lips on your cheek, before pulling away. You opened your eyes and looked up at him, painfully aware of how much your cheeks were burning, flushed.

His lips curled up into a slight smirk, but a soft one. You felt as though he was laughing at you a little, but in an endearing way. In that moment, he seemed more complex and intriguing than ever, his dark eyes drawing you in.

"I, uh-" you had to clear your throat to find your voice again. "I should go in." You gestured to your apartment.

"Yes, of course," V smiled, as though nothing had happened. "Goodnight then, Y/N. See you at work!"

"Yes! Um.. Goodnight, Tae. And thanks again," you smiled, though feeling like you must have looked a fool, still giddy from just a kiss on the cheek.

Once you got through the door of your apartment, you slumped against it, throwing your bag to one side and letting out a deep sigh of exhaustion. Images from the day flickered through your mind - V walking beside you, V, coming closer - then, Jungkook standing close, Jungkook's arms around you, secure, the feeling of his breath on your ear.

You physically shook your head to try and clear the thoughts. You weren't stupid, it was obvious you had some kind of feelings for both V and Jungkook. Two very different boys, but both drew you in...

"Bed. I need to go to bed," you said to yourself, dragging your weary body towards your room.


"Oh my god unnie come out here! I just saw Bobby from iKon!" You announced excitedly as you entered one of the backstage rooms, your voice just a few notches away from a full on squeal.

Today was an Inkigayo show, a staple appearance for K-Pop comebacks.

Your statement had been intended for one of the stylists you'd come to know well, but the room was now occupied by Namjoon, Jungkook and V.

Slightly flustered, you cleared your throat as the boys laughed teasingly.

"Uh, I thought- I thought Se-Eun unnie was in here.."

"Y/N, you sound like you like Bobby more than us!" Jungkook joked, feigning being offended.

"Nah come on, you know you guys are my favourite!" You laughed.

"Maybe we can introduce him to you sometime - we're his sunbaes and he's a friendly one. Good kid." Namjoon said, nodding to himself.

"Oh my god yes please!" You replied, gaining more teasing from the members.

Another member of staff popped their head around the door and called V and Jungkook away.

"See you later, Y/N," they called, parting with a wave, which you returned.

You watched the pair leave, shaking yourself as you realised how wistfully you did so. A lot had been on your mind since last night. At least they were back to normal.

Taking the opportunity for a quick break, you slumped into a nearby chair. Namjoon was leaning against a countertop, drinking a cup of coffee.

"You've done hair and makeup, but do you need anything?" You asked. No matter how friendly you felt with the members, you still had a job to do.

"No, I'm alright thanks," he smiled.

He looked at you sideways for a moment, then slid a chair around across from you, sitting on it the wrong way round and leaning forward over the table, looking at you.

He spoke each word very deliberately. "Y/N... You like him, don't you?"

He gestured to the door through which Jungkook and V had just left.

Your eyebrows shot up, your eyes widening, and you made a meek noise of confusion.



Alright! So, what exactly does Namjoon mean..?

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